Good Morning Everyone!!!
My true desire, it will never happen but it would make me so very happy --- and you asked ------- Montcalm had 18 Indians at Ticonderoga, so 18 new Indian sculptures!!
However, I will settle for the French regulars at Ticonderoga. A swivel gun set would be a far reach, but sweet.
Big Hit: Club Set - George Washington in Red Coat (BoM). Possibly mounted, but as K&C recently retired their mounted George (AWI), unsure .... I have been using Frontline's General Wolfe as a placeholder, but really thinking this is more likely to appear in 2012.
Lower on the List: I have a preference for figures that can do double duty, so some Roger Rangers (RSF and Ticonderoga).
A French Marine Officer --- a standing figure. We only have a single kneeling French Marine officer figure useful in Quebec displays (BoM figure). The Marine Officer is good for Ticonderoga as well. Several other missing elements to the Quebec series - grenadier officer and sergeant for the 47th (unlikely to happen anytime soon), etc.
Darn, and I just tore down my Zeppelin shed! I wouldn't have anywhere to dock the beast now. -- AlOh ya, and one of these to go with those great new planes.
I'd like to see some command vignettes. A grouping of figures relating to each other featuring the commanding officer for each series. - Such as a mounted figures of the Duke of Cumberland, some staff and one of the the 18 Hanoverian dragoons he had with him as bodyguards at Culloden. Or Montcalm conferring with Levi and Bourlamarque behind the earthworks at Carillon/Ticonderoga.
I would like...
officers for the US artillery crew...(telescope pose...etc...)
a British artillery crew of equal size to the US Army crew...with officers...
Six Nations Indians for the US side ...
Native warriors (Western and Grand Nation) for the British side...
Dragoons...19th Light dragoons for Horton's Charge...
St. Francis...
I had always understood this series to be in 3 parts...
1) the peaceful fort/cabins and whaleboats
2) the peaceful Indian village
3) the attack and escape of St. Francis...
I'm assuming parts 1 and 2 are pretty much finished...but I would still like another set or two of peaceful civilians for the cabins and fort...I rarely get to use my cabins and Ranger huts and would like some new figures for peaceful dioramas...
I would also like...
Rangers attacking St. Francis...
dead/wounded Indian set for the village...
Rangers fleeing St. Francis...
French/Indians chasing and fighting the fleeing Rangers...
a capture vignettes of Rangers...
Culloden Moor...
Royal Ecossois...
artillery crew for British side...
a nice section (2-6" sections) of the Culwhiniac Parks stone wall...
Sudan and Carillion are too early to start asking...
but for Carillion...
I really think we need some dead Highlanders caught up in the abattis...
for Sudan...
I hope we get some large scale officer crews commanding a square...
a couple of sets of wounded/dead Mahdist...
put these on your list John...
I would like them all next month please...