What Does Your ID Mean? (1 Viewer)

My ID is based on my all-time favorite film character, Indiana Jones. And the first film, Raiders of the Lost Ark, was released in 1981. It was very influencial. If I had never seen it way back when, I wouldn't be on this forum. That experience planted a seed in my then 8 year old mind that eventually sprouted into a full-on obsession with World War 2 history. And that obsession brought me here. :D
P.S. It is also my handle on eBay.
Strange as it may seem, but mine is just a load of twaddle, a random selection of letters and digits that I thought looked okay!
Louis Badolato said:
Hey Eazy, that's really cool! I loved war comics when I was a kid, although I don't remember Captain Eazy. Being a member of the Long Range Desert Group and a cross between Clint Eastwood and James Coburn sounds just about as good as it can get. I'm not as creative, and after all, I didn't even pick my name, Shannon did it for me.

Hi Louis,
You wouldn't have heard of Major Eazy unless you were a boy growing up in Britain in the late 70's. He was in a very popular British comic called Battle Action. This was a comic unlike the ones you get over in the States. It came out weekly and featured 5 or 6 different stories an issue. It focused on all the combatants in WW2 including the Germans and the Japanese as well as the British and Americans and Russians.

If you are interested in these type of British war comics check out a new series of graphic novels by DC Comics. They are called WAR STORIES by Garth Ennis.

There are 2 so far with four 64 page stories in each ranging from a German Tiger crew on the Russian front to an SAS team in the desert as well as the arctic convoys and the Battle of Britain.

They are definitely worth checking out, you should be able to find them on Amazon.


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Those comics sound interesting.

Anyway, my name comes from jazz (pretty obvious) as I'm a big jazz fan although my new hobby has been garnering much more attention in the last couple of years. My avatar is Bud Powell, one of the great pianists of all time but a very tragic figure, who had a very tough life and who, despite everything, managed to still produce beautiful music. For those who don't know that is also my ebay moniker.

I understand that the first four letters of your ID come from Jazz, but I do not know the meaning of "eum." Do these last three letters, when combined with the word Jazz, also have meaning in the Jazz World? I'm mostly curious as I have wondered from time to time what your entire ID meant.

Warm regards,


A couple of years ago, a colleague of mine at work wanted to start a jazz museum in Newark, NJ, where many jazzmen have come from. He prepared a proposal for the project and even went ahead and formed a name for the museum, jazzeum. Unfortunately, the project foundered and liking the name and needing a new ebay name at the time since my previous one had been stolen or hijacked, I chose the jazzeum name.
Now that I think of it, I guess Airfix kits AND war comics were a major influence on my present military interest. The only way my mother could get me reading was by buying me war comics and Denis the Menace (we had much in common she said).

My favourite was 'Commando' which are still in production, now and again they do color books of earlier favourite stories:http://www.ninthart.com/display.php?article=1164

Here's a link on 'Battle' inc Major Easy: http://fanboy.frothersunite.com/battle.html

And here's a link on several war comics: http://www.comicsmagazines.com/pocketlibrary.htm

What an interesting story concerning your choice of ID and what an interesting bit of Jazz history! Not knowing about the proposal for the "Jazzeum," I never could have guessed the full meaning of your ID. And,...now I know how to pronounce your ID. :) Thanks for sharing that bit of information.

Warm regards,


Thank you. I've had it so long now that I wouldn't feel right without it. However, for a toy soldier maniac it certainly is different. When I tell some people that I've branched out to toy soldiers they look at me quizzically. But you can't beat the camaraderie, however.

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