What happened to the Imperial Albums of Drum? (1 Viewer)


Jan 18, 2007
Seriously, these photo albums were my best source of id shots, can anyone point me in the right direction?

It says he doesn't have any albums so I guess he pulled them or made them private.
does that mean they are only for the member viewing? How do I ask to see them?

Hey guys,
Sorry about the confusion and the delay in response here.

I did make my albums private. It was a knee jerk reaction to finding that a number of them were being used by some toy soldier store on ebay to sell their old Imperial sets.

Not sure if that seller was a member here or not, but when I saw my shots on ebay, I decided to make the albums here private.

More than happy to accept any friend requests to allow folks here to see those albums.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks for letting me in. Your pics are the best, and I do use them to help me BUY on ebay. I always like to make sure the right figures are in the set upon which I'm bidding.

If I ever finish the basement bar and toy soldier museum, I'll photograph my troops and post them. I feel bad always looking at other folks soldiers and not repaying the favor.

Hi guys,
Sorry for the infrequent visits lately. The 1:1 world has gotten kind of busy lately.
I see that this person/store is using my pics again on ebay. All seem to be sets from the early years of Imperial Prod., but this is the second round of sets they are selling using the same exact pics. I sent the seller a note asking if these are identical sets he is selling or what.

Anyway, I thank you all for your interest. Still trying to convince the Cowes of a need for an Imperial Productions website to chart their works, but there is a distinct reluctance and shyness that seems to be interfering thus far.

I will keep you all posted.

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Hello Drum,

You should send whoever is using your photos an e-mail asking him stop. You also can put watermark on you photographs to protect them.

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Thanks for the access and permissions, I appreciate it and wanted to acknowledge your kindness publically.


I see my post was edited to remove the name.

They must have more "juice" on this site than I thought.

But anyhow, I am not mad at all, just wrote the person to ask if they really had another set like the one I am wanting and mentioned "oh btw, those are my pics you are using".

The unnameable person wrote me back a nice email and assured me that the DID have multiples of these sets and, thanking me for the pics.

All is well and I hold no grudge.

As for that watermark thing... I really should research how to do that. I am sure it is a snap.


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