What is your favourite toy soldier piece? (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jun 6, 2005
Kind of an age old question really.

My favourite is the Britains Deetail DAK Kubelwagen and the BMW Combination. Both pieces seem really dynamic and are genuine diecast unlike the mixture of plastic and metal you get today. I lost my machine gun for the kubelwagen ages ago so i replaced it with a 21st century gun.

Ooff, that's not very easy to decide. The best I can do, is make a top 3 ;) :rolleyes: :

-1) Flats. I have these four magnificent 30mm pieces, cavalry, beautiful painting. I just love em.
-2) K&C. Especially that new King Tiger is breathtaking. My alltime favourite is the Stug (ws47), maybe because it was one of my first pieces. ( It sold out 2 months after I got it... :D )
-3) Delprado. I have a French Eagle-bearer and the Blucher on horse ( next to 40 others), and they're magnificent! Nice horse detail, and a top of the bill French flag.

Pictures tomorrow ( probably...)
For me it's the flag raising set, from K&C's Iwo Jima series. Tough one though, I'm thinking of some tanks and one of them is on the way home: WS69, serious contender for all time greatest I guess. Some Conte ACW pieces look fantastic too, hope I'll get some.

Best regards,
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Toy soldiers?

I have a few really nice Britains Boer war figures with the paper labels attached on their bases dated 1904.
My favorites are probably the new Tommies and Bren Gun carrier from K & C. I really love those pieces.
I've got at least three. They would include the nearly four foot Barzso pirate ship (looks great painted and partially rigged for play), the Conte FFL fort, and, perhaps my all time fav, the Conte Normandy church and rectory. Whoo hoo! Close second to these three pieces is the Barzso Davy Crocket Wilderness fort. Favorite metal figs include virtually ANY K & C and fav plastic includes Barzso and Conte figs. Conte's new ACW figs are fully 3D and many of Ron's resin figs are possessed of spectacular detail.

Hey Winky, I won,t tell any body why the pirate ship is your favorite,(Winky had something to do with makeing it). We will keep that between you and me Wink.
I go along with the Normandy Church, can,t get much better.
As for figures K&C, of course, but my Gary Dutko Conte conversions are right there.
Sure wish I could say the Conte Mexicans were my favorite, maybe I can in SIX WEEKS.
My favorite would have to be the Durbar set I have been building for the past few years. I have most of the Britians set and some from the others out there with a very long wish list for the Beau Geste sets...
The elephants and bulls and camels and all of the colors make this one of the best cerimonial sets out there.
Gary, just a point of clarification - I didn't help in planning/designing Ron's pirate ship (what fun that would have been!). I did paint and modify it. adding different fighting tops, rat lines, simple rigging, and cloth sails. It does look great with a little work. I'm working on a second Barszo pirate ship now. Think I've figured out a simple way to do rat lines rather than laboriously tying each knot. That was hard.


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