What new ACW figures would you like? (1 Viewer)

Another thought occured to me if you are going to do more WW 1 you have to do Alvin C. York. Capturing 183 and killing 32 Germans almost single handed ought to get the corporal his own toy soldier and one while he's in action, attacking those machine gun positions too. World war II needs an Audie Murphy jumping of a M-10 tank destroyer right before it blows up. If you start making these figure I have to start collecting them. But right now it's Civil war, might as wel get one more in,;) how about some Shiloh figures????????;)
Yankee's and Rebs for the Western Theatre.Real ragged Campaign looking Union troops would be nice.


Just looking over my ACW collection (New Britains, Conte (lots) and the new ONTC Cannon) and what I am missing is casualties. I know Conte have both Union and Confed dead sets, which I have and these form a Conte diorama, but it would be great to see Britains do dead/wounded sets for their new releases.

On another tract, I would like to see a number of period buildings being created, plus other diorama items such as dogs, wagons, etc. I would love to create an urban (a term probably not for this time period) ACW fight.


There will be some new buildings in the 2007 catalog. I can also tell you that a couple of the other requests in this thread have been addressed...more to come.

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