Has any one else noticed recently that Britain's Figures have dropped through The Floor Board's. ! 
Quite a few sellers are offering Discounts of between 10-20 % on e bay. :wink2:
To give you an example I purchased a Britain's Zulu War Hospital Evacuation Set NO.4 20110 recently for £34.33 + postage {eek3} {sm3}
Mind you it did end at an unearthly hour of 0500 CRAZY OR WHAT ?
At that time ALL us little boys & girls should be in bed & not playing with our toy soldiers
or indeed fighting the Last Defence of Rorke's Drift or The Thin Red Line / 5th column for that matter.
What is causing this to happen does anyone have any ideas.
I know that the $$$$ was steadily rising but has now started to drop, I know that we were in a recession (maybe we still are) but
it does appear that sellers in general are struggling at the moment. Has the market become saturated.
Who know's... ! It is beyond me.
It certainly is a Buyer's Market at the moment..... Don't get me wrong it is nice to be able to pick up a Britain's Figure at a Bargain but what about those of us
who have vast collection's OMG I WISH....has their value dropped too. & what of the poor sellers/dealers out there... they do have to make a living after all. {eek3} {sm2}
I am sure that the market will iron itself out .... soon I hope. I suppose it is swings and roundabout's.
I would be interested in hearing other collector's & indeed dealers comments.
Answer's on a POSTCARD PLEASE....... :salute::
Zulu Dawn :smile2:
Quite a few sellers are offering Discounts of between 10-20 % on e bay. :wink2:
To give you an example I purchased a Britain's Zulu War Hospital Evacuation Set NO.4 20110 recently for £34.33 + postage {eek3} {sm3}
Mind you it did end at an unearthly hour of 0500 CRAZY OR WHAT ?
At that time ALL us little boys & girls should be in bed & not playing with our toy soldiers
or indeed fighting the Last Defence of Rorke's Drift or The Thin Red Line / 5th column for that matter.
What is causing this to happen does anyone have any ideas.
I know that the $$$$ was steadily rising but has now started to drop, I know that we were in a recession (maybe we still are) but
it does appear that sellers in general are struggling at the moment. Has the market become saturated.
Who know's... ! It is beyond me.
It certainly is a Buyer's Market at the moment..... Don't get me wrong it is nice to be able to pick up a Britain's Figure at a Bargain but what about those of us
who have vast collection's OMG I WISH....has their value dropped too. & what of the poor sellers/dealers out there... they do have to make a living after all. {eek3} {sm2}
I am sure that the market will iron itself out .... soon I hope. I suppose it is swings and roundabout's.
I would be interested in hearing other collector's & indeed dealers comments.
Answer's on a POSTCARD PLEASE....... :salute::
Zulu Dawn :smile2: