What other theatres of conflict? (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
So what other theatres of conflict/Battles would you like to see K&C make?.I would like to see Crete,Pegasus bridge(or Merville battery),Brits/Aussies far East and maybe even some French resistance on D-day.Its amazing how your imagination starts to wander when your fed up with work!.(better get back to it).
I'd like to see a lot of Brits: Arnhem, Pegasus and Monte Cassino (maybe some polish too). Also, some Free French (though I think it wouldn't be highly profitable in the US) and some Fallschirmjäger, Eastern Front, a Jagdtiger,... I could go on for ages...:rolleyes: ;)
Rob, I agree with all the ones you mentioned, would love to see more paratroopers, commando's, maybe a glider, Fallshirmjager, since I was too late to collecting this K&C stuff to get into that party. How about Kursk, I'm a big fan of German armour, nothing like a good tank battle.

I would love to see Pegasus and maybe Andy could co-sponsor that with someone who could make the Bridge but I would love just to have British paras period. I also think Free French could be a natural for future Eighth Army releases.
OK, here's some ideas...

1) We have British 8th Army and Afrika Korps. How about adding some US troops from Tunisia? Early uniforms, especially lightweight HBTs (the US Army thought the desert was hot all the time, the cool weather periods caught them poorly prepared!). Some troops still had M1903 rifles (front-line infantry had M1s, but some support units didn't get them until later). With the techniques used to add "frost" to the BoB figures we could get some nice dusty-looking GI's. A new M3 medium, or an M3 "Stuart" light, or a halftrack tank destroyer might be good vehicles for these guys.

2) "A Bridge Too Far" - an Operation Market-Garden series. We could have British paras, German SS defenders, US paratroops in M43 uniforms (maybe a set rowing British assault boats for Nijmegen?) plus British XXX Corps ground troops versus German AT teams. Lots of figure opportunities, multiple vehicles. Don't forget the Germans used some modified Char Bs as flammpanzers in Arnhem and Andy already has Char B measurements and castings - something very unusual!

3) Free French troops. I don't know how well these would sell, but there could be some to support a Cassino series, such as the French North African "goumier" mountain infantry in their robes. French units liberating their homeland mostly relied on US uniforms and weapons, but they tried to keep an identity with French insignia and hats mixed with US uniforms. The 2nd DB was an important unit in the US Third Army during the breakout from the bocage, through Paris and into the Lorraine campaign. A mid-production M4A2 could be marked for the 2nd DB (as well as the USMC, the Russians and some UK units). The 2nd DB had some colorful markings on their tanks, with the blue map of France with white cross of Lorraine, plus a large tank name on their sides. Other Free French units used red/blue Napolenic regimental flags on their Shermans. Leclerc tried to keep his unit separate from the ex-Vichy units, so their were numerous marking differences. Even a set of Free French infantry with an M4A2 Sherman or M3A3 Stuart would be a nice addition to the DD series.

4) Tarawa. Lots of opportunities for dramatic action in figures on both sides. The USMC had both green utilities and camo utilities. I know Andy isn't big on repaints, but a mid-production M4A2 with different stowage and/or accessories than the Free French version would provide support. The Sherman company at Tarawa had an elephant cartoon on the tanks' sides and each had a nickname painted on the sides. Some Japanese SNLF MG and mortar teams would defend

These are just a few ideas.

Crete is an absolute must. As is Pegasus Bridge. Also some early war British Commandos going on a raid.

On a more modern theme and maybe in the Fields of Battle series i'd like to see some Falklands figures, Paras, Royal Marine Commandos, SBS, Gurkhas yeah that would be cool.
Although this doesnt come under other fields of conflict,I would love
to see the long range desert group ,as all of its 150 original members where
kiwis ,I reckon its about my best chance to see K and C represent
some New Zealanders.Or for an entirely different conflict Kilted scots in
WW1 would be great.[dreams are free as they say]
Eazy said:
Crete is an absolute must. As is Pegasus Bridge. Also some early war British Commandos going on a raid.

On a more modern theme and maybe in the Fields of Battle series i'd like to see some Falklands figures, Paras, Royal Marine Commandos, SBS, Gurkhas yeah that would be cool.

How about the Raid on St Nazaire. (I hope I've spelt it right)

I have never seen a K&K SAS jeep or long range desert group chevrolet - would love a second bite.

Also agree with Crete, Market Garden, Casino, and Tunisia - should be obvious opportunity - Kasserine, Longstop Hill etc

I would also - later perhaps - like Burma.
If Andy found the 88 too complex, with too many small parts, too easily damaged and too expensive to sustain as a long term production item then I don't think we'll see a re-appearance in AK colours for a long while yet, perhaps as a loss-making leader to entice people into a further series of AK items.

It'd be great if he instead looked at other ridiculous "trophy" items that collectors could display to produce an awe-inducing wow from non-believers. I wonder if he's ever thought about an A4/V2 and launch crew instead of another large artillery piece. Ok so a length of 14 metres would equate to a 467 mm length at 1/30th scale (about 1½ feet in length), but given that the DUKW and the Warbirds were do-able then it wouldn't be unimaginable, and there's little complexity in comparison to the detail required on many other large pieces.
Dear Kevin,

You'll see both the SAS jeep and the LRDG Chevy at the Symposium. I would also love to see Slim's 14th Army in Burma.
Oh yes, Burma, Japs, Marines, Commonwealth, a lot to be covered in that part of the world ( Asia, Pacific, Oceania ).

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