What was the Delhi Durbar 1903? (5 Viewers)

Hi Ana,

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you and the information you are presenting in this thread. Your capacity to tell the story of the 1903 Durbar is equal to the artistry and skill you demonstrate in the production of the wonderful elephants and figures you create to represent the event. I am thrilled that you have taken the time to share the information with all of us. I am spellbound by your narrative. Thank you so much for presenting this information is such a wonderfully organized manner. {bravo}}

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)

Most appreciated, Pat. You know you are one of the fans that I had in mind when I decided to do this :)
Maybe that will give me time to save up for them. Your version of the Durbar is most splendid and definitely the best on the market (past or present.)

Perhaps I need to get a few figures to dip my toes in the water.........................I have always been partial to the baby elephant :)
Well, today's chapter. I was going to follow with the Retainers Review, but I decided it would be more useful to post the identification of each of the elephants of the Main Procession first. This way you'll be able to identify retainers and elephants (even without their maharajas) in the Retainers Review pictures.

As you know, there were supposed to be 50 princely elephants in the Main Procession, after the 6 elephants of the Aides-de-camps and Curzon and Connaught. But as I mentioned before, two of them had to be absent: the Gaekwar of Baroda and the Maharaja of Cutch. The line was still 25 elephants long, but 2 of them went alone, without an elephant on their side: Narsingarh and Maler Kotla.

The Main Procession began on December 29 1902, Monday, in the morning. The first two elephants were the one with the Nizam of Hyderabad, and the one carrying the Maharaja of Mysore. These were the most photographed elephants. As the parade continue photographers took less and less pictures (unfortunately, until the end of the Procession, that was more portraited too. Anyway, all the elephants had their pictures, so I will show them one by one here.

The reason I haven't made this elephants yet is because both have been made already. The Hyderabad elephant made by Britains still can be bought, and the Mysore elephant was custom made for a few customers by my friend Bill Spear. Eventually, when collectors wouldn't be able to get them any more, I'll consider making them.

The first elephants waiting in Queen's Street.
This is the left side of the Jumma Masjid
This is taken from the main entrance. You can see all along Khas road. You can also see the women photographers taking pictures in front, first row.
Maybe that will give me time to save up for them. Your version of the Durbar is most splendid and definitely the best on the market (past or present.)

Perhaps I need to get a few figures to dip my toes in the water.........................I have always been partial to the baby elephant :)
Baby elephant is definitely the sweetest by far :)

Something crazy about this picture. It's been manipulated. The Nizam wasn't clear, so someone placed his picture inside his howda instead. And even crazier, someone placed a picture of the Gaekwar of Baroda inside the Mysore elephant's howda, not aware at the moment that the Gaekwar wasn't able to be in the Main Procession.

The Nizam's elephant was dressed in yellow and gold. It is surprising that yellow photographed black in the photographs of the time. It happened the same with red color. I read that it had to be with the presence of gold during the developing of the picture, but haven't really confirmed that.

I love the detail in this picture

Even the Mysore elephant is not in my plans for now, I'd LOVE to make the guards. I have a few great pictures of them, I definitely like their spears.
Lastly, a couple of still frames from the Durbar films. One of the films was taken from ground level, right side of the elephant columns, at the bottom of the stairs of the main entrance of the Jumma Masjid. The second one was taken also at ground level, when the elephants were passing in fron of the Main Hall.


I'll follow with the next two elephants: Travancore and Kashmir

I have all my beau geste elephants marching single file! Now that I see them two by two, I can add twice as many! {sm4}

You're being far too conservative. Three sounds like a nice round number :wink2:

What a great idea.
This makes all your Durbar creations come to life.

Thanks for providing this very informative history.

It's time for the second pair of elephants.

Travancore and Kashmir


Beau Geste - Travancore elephant (Set BG200) retired

The Travancore Group (sets BG200, BG325 and BG326)

Beau Geste - The Kashmir Elephant (set BG201) Retired

The Kashmir Group (set BG201, BG291 and BG292)

The whole Kashmir Group (set BG201, BG291, BG292 and musicians BG316)
The Musicians were not part of the Main Procession, but were there in the Retainers Review, when all the states paraded with all their whole state group.

The Kashmir and Travancore elephants turning around the corner at the end of Chadni Chawk street (close to leaving the city)

This point had many photographers, since there are lots of shots from there. They are taken from a higher point, like a roof or a balcony. All I could find was a name of the building, the Footehpoorie Musjid, but no photographs. Eventually I will take pics during a future visit to Delhi :)
The elephants had already passed in front of the Main Hall, and were turning right towards Ahmad Pai.

A detail: check the lining troops on the right. They are a pipers band! They are among the future lining troops sets I want to add. On the other side of the street there was the whole band.

The following two elephants tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Third pair of elephants: Jaipur and Gwalior

Jaipur and Gwalior elephants in the Main Procession. Walking behind Travancore and Kashmir. They are passing in front of the Jumma Masjid's main entrance. I love how beautifully you can see both columns of elephants following along Khas road. You can even see Kapurthala's blue and white umbrella almost at the end of the procession. I love this photo.


Jaipur elephant and maharaja

Beau Geste Jaipur elephant (set BG245) retired

The Jaipur Group (sets BG401, BG400, BG399 and BG245)
More Jaipur


This is a shot of the Jaipur elephant during the Retainers Review, with all the guards and escorts. The maharaja is not there (he was among the dignataries spectator seats). This is a picture I bought online. Check the detail below. It's a delight.




Beau Geste Gwalior elephant (set BG 274)

Elephant and escort guards (sets BG274, BG317 and BG318)

The Gwalior Group (sets BG274, BG317, BG318 and musicians BG319)

I think I should shave my beard to look like the gents from Gwalior!

Great work, as always, Ana

Those are SUCH nice pieces!!!


I think you need to put a braid in your beard and come to the Texas Toy Soldier Show.

John from Texas
Fourth Pair: Bundi and Indore

Bundi and Indore elephants, Main Procession. South side of the Jumma Masjid

Both in front of the Jumma Masjid


The Bundi elephant (without the raja) at the Retainers Review

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