What's going on ??? (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Mar 1, 2007
Does anybody have a clue, what's going on with "Patriot"?
Their Napoleonic series was an absolutely stunning release (although slightly larger than any other manufacturer). The quality/price relation was unmatched (that is my personal opinion).
Is this subject dead now.
After the promising French Troops the Brunswick Infantry was announced as opponents and than their release suffered problems with the factory.
Do we really have to accept that this subject is over? That would be very sad.
Does anybody have a clue, what's going on with "Patriot"?
Their Napoleonic series was an absolutely stunning release (although slightly larger than any other manufacturer). The quality/price relation was unmatched (that is my personal opinion).
Is this subject dead now.
After the promising French Troops the Brunswick Infantry was announced as opponents and than their release suffered problems with the factory.
Do we really have to accept that this subject is over? That would be very sad.

I guess we will have to wait and see what the official verdict is.
NO, it's not over, Konrad :)
We'll start it all over again.

After a couple of meetings with the guys from the factory last week, during the holidays, we altered slightly our initial plan and were promised that things will be back on track slowly once the workers and artists are back to work.
So, we too are very excited to bring you more figures this year.

Due to the delays we experienced last year, I was "shy" and tried not to announce new releases too early until we actually have the figures in hands.
But here I am, breaking the rules again, and can't wait to share this with you.
They will be our next releases, but be patient.


Best regards
Hello Robert,
that is good news. The time until new releases doesn't really matter. I was just worried as there was nothing to be heard for several month.
One more question. Will your Napoleonic figures be resupplied too? Several dealers are out of many poses.
All the best and talk to you later.
Their Napoleonic series was an absolutely stunning release

Totally agree. Patriot's Napoleonic set is the only non-King & Country purchase I have ever made and in my opinion this set surpasses K&C's Napoleonics especially with regard to the poses. I only wish Patriot would come out with American Revolution figures.
Konrad, the answer is "Yes".
Kurt, thanks for your support. Unfortunately, we do not have plans for the AR at the present moment, but who knows....

Are there any thoughts of scaleing back the size of the figures at all to be more compatable with other figures before the line gets to far?
These figures are great looking but are on the large size and don,t mix well with any other figures because of thier size.
If I were to have made a line of figures I would have tried to make them in a size that was compatable to other exsisting figures so as to attract collectors of these other figures so they could all be used together and attract customers that might not buy the figures because of the different larger size.
These are nice figures but I can,t use them with anything I,ve got!!! They make the rest of my collection look like little elves or something. Even next to K&C they look large.
If I didn,t like the figures I won,t care but they are great looking figures which makes me sad that they are so uncompatable with my other figures.

I would have gone with a size that was just in between 1/32 and1/30 like what the new britains has done.
This is a size of figures that is right in the middle of both scales and you can get away with mixing the figures with either scale and they don,t look bad and you could have attacted collectors of napoleonics from the 1/32scale market as well as the K&C 1/30 scale market as well.

I,ve bought all your figures to date but I have nothing to set up a display with them in battle as they are so large none of my other napoleonic french enemys look right against them.
If they had been done in a smaller scale I would not have had this problem as I have a bunch of enemies for them to fight of in 1/32 and the K&C figures also and if they were done in a 1/31 scale they would be perfect to fit in with both and I think you would have sold twice as many.

Just some food for thought for you!!! What do you other guys think on this subject??? Would you have bought more figures if they were smaller and has this larger scale turned you off to the figures? Wouldn,t they have been better if done a bit smaller???
I really like all my Patriot Napoleonics, but Tim is right, they are just a fraction on the big side and its amplified by the fact that the bases are considerably thicker than K&C Naps. I suppose they could always be re-based to make them more compatible with other manufacturers - but only if you're not interested in selling them on at some future point in time.
I'm not a napolenics fan, but when I was in HK I picked up the patriot naps cos they were so nicely sculpted and painted, great expressions and poses ,

don't figure on going into napolenics so wasn't concerned about size compatibility,

The packaging was intricate, about five different levels of foam and each plume was in place;)
Are there any thoughts of scaleing back the size of the figures at all to be more compatable with other figures before the line gets to far?
These figures are great looking but are on the large size and don,t mix well with any other figures because of thier size.
If I were to have made a line of figures I would have tried to make them in a size that was compatable to other exsisting figures so as to attract collectors of these other figures so they could all be used together and attract customers that might not buy the figures because of the different larger size.
These are nice figures but I can,t use them with anything I,ve got!!! They make the rest of my collection look like little elves or something. Even next to K&C they look large.
If I didn,t like the figures I won,t care but they are great looking figures which makes me sad that they are so uncompatable with my other figures.

I would have gone with a size that was just in between 1/32 and1/30 like what the new britains has done.
This is a size of figures that is right in the middle of both scales and you can get away with mixing the figures with either scale and they don,t look bad and you could have attacted collectors of napoleonics from the 1/32scale market as well as the K&C 1/30 scale market as well.

I,ve bought all your figures to date but I have nothing to set up a display with them in battle as they are so large none of my other napoleonic french enemys look right against them.
If they had been done in a smaller scale I would not have had this problem as I have a bunch of enemies for them to fight of in 1/32 and the K&C figures also and if they were done in a 1/31 scale they would be perfect to fit in with both and I think you would have sold twice as many.

Just some food for thought for you!!! What do you other guys think on this subject??? Would you have bought more figures if they were smaller and has this larger scale turned you off to the figures? Wouldn,t they have been better if done a bit smaller???

Very well put, I got a couple and I know the guard were suppose to be large fellows But.... just dont match well Rob
Could someone please post some photos of Patriot figures next to some other well known brands for us all to assess the size issue.

Photos of Nappy and WWII figures would be appreciated.

I have the WW II winter Neberwerfer & it displays nicely with my K&C figures. In short, the size/scale looks spot on to me. Hope this helps a bit.

Tally Ho

I have the WW II winter Neberwerfer & it displays nicely with my K&C figures. In short, the size/scale looks spot on to me. Hope this helps a bit.

Tally Ho

Roger, great news :cool:

In fact I nearly bought a winter-werfer online last night but I wasn't sure if it would blend in with my Winter K & C display.

Btw, is the earlier version still available :confused:

Cheers OZ:

Looks like Treefrog is out of the first non-winter release but I see that Sierra Toy Soldier Company in Northern California has the set you are looking for in stock. Once again, happy hunting-I think you will be pleased. I have the 101st Airborne set with the French Resistance figure too & I think it is a stunning set as well!

Hang Tough,
I have got your 6 o'clock OZ! Four more sets to buy and you will be an ACE in a day! Make sure the gun camera is operating!

Hats off & a Salute to the RAAF,

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