I have always liked the Brummbar, but not sure whether many want it which translates to not being produced. Certainly one I would like to have in my ranks. Robin.
Gets my vote ! Definitely not a strange looking vehicle as is the Sturm Tiger :rolleyes2:
Nah Jack, I would say a Panzer II has the best chance out of the group of 4 ! :wink2:
My surname is BEARE, so at my age this tank would describe how I am seen by my wife being....Grizzly Bear......This tank was a heavy hitter and would be a welcome sight for the hard pressed Germans, but was not available in the numbers like the well known Stug. May have to rely on another maker to produce this. Robin.
You reckon PA! I think the Winter Panther out of your foursome is the best chance of being made. They already did a well detailed Normandy Panther and if they kept the moulds, they could use it to make the Winter version.
Of the four, Panzer II in grey first. Then the Winter Panther.
I do want to add my support for the write-in vote Brummbar! That would be very cool.
Of the four, Panzer II in grey first. Then the Winter Panther.
I do want to add my support for the write-in vote Brummbar! That would be very cool.
Of course the winter panther. It is long overdue for the battle of the bulge, which is a shame as it was used extensively in the battle of the bulge.
Time to come out with the winter panther, it has been missing for too long.....
A Winter Panther with a good coat of Winter White Wash would look good........IMO . I guess we will see what surfaces in 2014. We have a full 11 months of Dispatches remaining !!! ^&grin
Those 11 months are sure to have something new in German Armor!
Yes indeed my friend......Yes indeed ! ^&grin
Such is the joy of K&C!!!!!!
Is it just me, or when two Forum members who have chosen the names Panzer Ace and Panzer Ace 44 discuss what new tank should be released, there is a better than even chance that German armour will always seem the preferred choice?{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}