The actual show occurs on Sunday, September 24. I believe the show area opens around 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. and it closes sharply at 3:00 p.m. Within a very short time after the official closing time, the dealers are packed up and out of the show area.
The real action occurs on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday with all the in-room trading. Two entire floors of the hotel (4th and 5th floors) are totally devoted to sales, trading, etc. Almost all the major dealers are represented and everything you might want, and more, can usually be found there. If at all possible, plan to be available for the 3 days preceding the actual show on Sunday.
The Sunday event is an actual mad house. The dealers (some of whom only arrive for the Sunday event) are "crammed" into several meeting rooms and a large ballroom. Seeing everything that is available on Sunday is almost impossible. Again, your best bet is to be sure and be available for the in-room trading days. But, save some money for Sunday as you will see a few things on Sunday that you did not see earlier.
If you have never attended this event, be advised that you will want to have some spending money available. There are soooo many temptations that you will want to have some money to spend, but be careful, it is easy to spend more than you intend.
At any rate, I hope you can arrange to attend the event. You will have the time of your life!
Warmest personal regards,