Why are threads being closed? (2 Viewers)

The forum owners set the parameters for discussion here and have asked a number of members to use their best judgments to help maintain these parameters.

If various of the members/users of this site do not like the imposition of limitations upon their postings on this website, then they are cordially invited to find (or create) a new place to hang out that would better suit their need to express themselves.

The internet is a huge place.

Contrary to common misconception, the freedom of unlimited expression on this website is not among your constitutional rights.



211 Posts and already inviting people to leave.......so much for diplomacy.:eek:

211 Posts and already inviting people to leave.......so much for diplomacy.:eek:

Seems like some Moderators here are chosen for their Hard Line reasoning...:mad:
OK Guys,

Before you decide to hang Drum for his comments you all need to do some self moderation. He is taking the heat from you since several of us have been out of the net lately and its ridiculas that you think because he has fewer posts that he isnt competent to say what needs to be said. Bottom line is plain and simple he is a moderator because Shannon felt he was capable of doing the job. If you dont like what he has spelled out then please feel free to take it up with Shannon.

Now to refer you all to the rules pages would be a waste of time since there seems to a be a general disregard for them. If you feel that we are being heavy handed with the moderation then please feel free to step in and say so but the whinning and snivelling about a thread being closed becuase you are getting some perverse thrill out of it or because you enjoy stirring the pot and seeing who gets crazy over it is inane and wastes everyones time. Also, dont try and hide behind the arguement over censorship, this place was developed for the discussion of Toy Soldiers first and foremost so discussions about current events are fine to a point. However there is also a point that when crossed these discussions will be ended by the moderators to try and maintain the family friendly environment Shannon wants to have on her forum. Remember it is Shannons Forum. So I hope you will begin to understand that this is Shannons house and we are guests and as such should behave properly.

OK Guys,

Before you decide to hang Drum for his comments you all need to do some self moderation. He is taking the heat from you since several of us have been out of the net lately and its ridiculas that you think because he has fewer posts that he isnt competent to say what needs to be said. Bottom line is plain and simple he is a moderator because Shannon felt he was capable of doing the job. If you dont like what he has spelled out then please feel free to take it up with Shannon.

Now to refer you all to the rules pages would be a waste of time since there seems to a be a general disregard for them. If you feel that we are being heavy handed with the moderation then please feel free to step in and say so but the whinning and snivelling about a thread being closed becuase you are getting some perverse thrill out of it or because you enjoy stirring the pot and seeing who gets crazy over it is inane and wastes everyones time. Also, dont try and hide behind the arguement over censorship, this place was developed for the discussion of Toy Soldiers first and foremost so discussions about current events are fine to a point. However there is also a point that when crossed these discussions will be ended by the moderators to try and maintain the family friendly environment Shannon wants to have on her forum. Remember it is Shannons Forum. So I hope you will begin to understand that this is Shannons house and we are guests and as such should behave properly.



This is getting silly, I have no idea what thread was closed and I for one certainly am not upset about that.

I did find Drum's comments to be insulting. I think others members comments would bare that fact out.

Since you invited us to "step in a say so" let me add it is unnecessary to use terms like "whinning and snivelling" when speaking about

other forum members. I fail to see how those words will calm a situation.

Threads have been closed before, and I guess they will be again. If we all remain civil everything should simply pass with the new day.
NJJA the reason you cant find a closed thread is because it was reopened earlier after a few of the moderators had a discussion on it.

The trem Out of the net is from the military we used it to mean someone was out of the communications or radio link for whatever reason like now its summer and folks are vacationing.

And if you think I am being mean for accusing some of the posters here of snivelling well thats fine its you opinion and you are entitled to it but the way some of the posts here read it sure seems like snivelling and whinning.

Dave, thanks for explaining the term. I must admit the closed thread is a

mystery to me, and most of the comments I read concerning it seemed to be

light hearted as oposed to angry.

I think it just took a bad turn and got out of hand for a moment.

Lets hope everything is back on track now.:)
Drum and Dave have echoed my thoughts. Posting is a privilege, not a right.
Drum and Dave have echoed my thoughts. Posting is a privilege, not a right.

Too right there Brad!..........have you seen the price of stamps recently? :D

Sorry.....I'm wearing my hair shirt now :p:eek:

Very good Jeff! Hoisted by my own petard (probably a malapropism but it sounds gooood!) :)
We all knew that thread had disaster written all over it from jump, just a question of time before it had to be shut down.

That said, I think you went a bit to far there drum with you comments, basically telling us if we don't like it, we can leave.

I agree. FWIW, anyone can always leave an enviroment which they no longer find to their taste, even moderators.;)
All I'm saying is if you close a thread at least provide an explanation - preferrably something specific - otherwise we have no idea why the thread was closed. Why get so insulting based on that simple request? It was closed and reopened again last night. That would lead me to wonder if anyone knows the "rules."
All I'm saying is if you close a thread at least provide an explanation - preferrably something specific - otherwise we have no idea why the thread was closed. Why get so insulting based on that simple request? It was closed and reopened again last night. That would lead me to wonder if anyone knows the "rules."

Well, I suspect the newer moderators are feeling their way, as the process is implemented, so there will be "teething troubles", if you will.
Too right there Brad!..........have you seen the price of stamps recently? :D

Sorry.....I'm wearing my hair shirt now :p:eek:


I for one am happy to pay £3.75 for a first class stamp and I hope this is not another insult hurled at Her Majesty's Royal Mail!.I'll have you know in over a hundred years of history not one single letter has gone astray,millions have been stolen and lost but not one has gone astray!:eek:;):D

We know the rules quite well, thanks. The newer moderators are not so new, Dave and Drum having done this for awhile.

I closed the MJ thread for reasons that should have been apparent, considering some of the comments, several of which we received complaints about. I will take the blame for not providing the reason. I was prevailed upon to re-open where hopefully it will peter out. I hope that answers all your questions. If you want to, you can blame me for being wishy washy about the whole Jackson thread.
We know the rules quite well, thanks. The newer moderators are not so new, Dave and Drum having done this for awhile.

I closed the MJ thread for reasons that should have been apparent, considering some of the comments, several of which we received complaints about. I will take the blame for not providing the reason. I was prevailed upon to re-open where hopefully it will peter out. I hope that answers all your questions. If you want to, you can blame me for being wishy washy about the whole Jackson thread.

It's close to midnite
So you better watch out
Because you wanna be starting something
With guys who are bad
I'm Bad
We know the rules quite well, thanks. The newer moderators are not so new, Dave and Drum having done this for awhile.

I closed the MJ thread for reasons that should have been apparent, considering some of the comments, several of which we received complaints about. I will take the blame for not providing the reason. I was prevailed upon to re-open where hopefully it will peter out. I hope that answers all your questions. If you want to, you can blame me for being wishy washy about the whole Jackson thread.

It is not apparent to me as no specific reasons are ever articulated. Isn't it a violation of the "rules" to characterize other members as "whinning and snivelling", getting a "perverse thrill" or suggesting they leave the forum because they asked a simple question? The irony of having mods who behave worse than the members is a good one. Everyone should lighten up and not get the vapors when anything controversial is discussed. :)
It is not apparent to me as no specific reasons are ever articulated. Isn't it a violation of the "rules" to characterize other members as "whinning and snivelling", getting a "perverse thrill" or suggesting they leave the forum because they asked a simple question? The irony of having mods who behave worse than the members is a good one. Everyone should lighten up and not get the vapors when anything controversial is discussed. :)

That's a good point, Combat. While I agree with Drum's point-that if we can't agree to follow the rules we've agreed to, that we don't have to stay in the forum, there was probably a more polished or diplomatic way to put it.

And that's what I mean by "feeling their way", Brad, it's not meant as a knock, but this was probably the first big controversy that he had to respond to. I may be wrong, which I will always concede, but the response seemed like the response of someone getting a little exasperated.
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Drum and Dave have echoed my thoughts. Posting is a privilege, not a right.

Myself, I don't need this privilege...

Last time I look, this was still America..

See yeah...

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