Why Is King&Country Getting "My" Collecting Dollar (1 Viewer)


I pretty much agree with all the comments you made! I started as a collector in late 1991 and in 1993 I got a few K&C sets. By 1999 I had gotten a good bit more, especially the Streets of Old Hong Kong sets, but in the late 1990's I also got even more of Trophy Miniatures and a good size batch of Frontline Figures, etc. In the year 2000 I have gone with K&C about 95% of the time and have not been sorry at all. K&C has indeed improved so much over the years, especially since 2003.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary

I pretty much agree with all the comments you made! I started as a collector in late 1991 and in 1993 I got a few K&C sets. By 1999 I had gotten a good bit more, especially the Streets of Old Hong Kong sets, but in the late 1990's I also got even more of Trophy Miniatures and a good size batch of Frontline Figures, etc. In the year 2000 I have gone with K&C about 95% of the time and have not been sorry at all. K&C has indeed improved so much over the years, especially since 2003.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary

They get some of my money. I like the AK range and only the good guy's. Simmo.

He is typing......"I agree!!" ^&grin

View attachment 102763

A Lay Down Mise're. The others dove tail into the varies series, my number one TS manufacturer and is mainly responsible for my on going hobby passion. Cheers, Robin.

Get your affairs in order Wayne, the constitutional police will be banging down your door..or maybe just an angry Jack...^&grin

I agree with everything you said PA!{bravo}}


My wife discovered King and Country for me five years ago,in Pacific Place.
I now have over 750 soldiers and 100 vehicles,plus dioramas.
The service has always been exceptional the quality is second to none,and the price,if you don't like it don't buy it.
Collecting Toy Soldiers should be fun.

Cheers To that Guys. Sounds like some very happy and content collectors which................That's what its all about :salute::
i will crown them the king of toy soldiers when they put out french foriegn legion and arabs. . the first ts i had when i was little were britains foriegn legiom and arabs. and i am sure there are others out there just like me

I agree with you, I also love "french foreign legion and arabs", but I will arrange to make a little dio with the foreign legion figure made for france, and using 2 ww1 french soldiers: one officier ( I will add the handkerchief to the hat) and one soldier ( will repaint in white pants and hat).{sm3}
K & C's Napoleonic and Medieval ranges are my reason. They have really exploited the colours and the potential of poses. I also like the broad coverage of other eras and their commendable efforts to release lots of new stock every month.

I agree with you about napoleonics...And I also like many "Medieval", but about the poses I find them lazy: just standing or marching....About action First legion( even if I have none) makes much ,much better....
Brilliant thread mate!^&grin

There are lots of reasons I do!
Mike and the team at K&C UK have always been extemely kind to me, they let me come down to their showroom for the first time when I was 12 and they guided me on what would be best for certain ideas I had and let me play about with their displays at the showroom. They also mentioned to me that Arnhem would return one day! Then I blabbed, not knowing I was to keep it a secret!:redface2:^&grinRemember that fiasco anyone?^&confuse^&grin

Tony created a winter diorama board for me and kept me reguraly updated with the building on it. Then one year (can't remember which) I got an e-mail on the 23rd of December saying it was finished. The next day it arrived at my house from a courier! IS THAT SERVICE OR WHAT!^&grin

The area where Andy lived is basically just round the corner from me! Always found that quite amazing!{eek3}

The increasing quality of King and Country figures and other products can be seen if you look at older and newer figures! The recent market garden support just highlights just how much Andy listens to his collectors and takes what they say on board!^&grin

I am a King and Country purist for second world war, however my Napoleonic has many different brands in it. For WW2 i don't think there is any other company with so much range in figures! Winter, North Afrika, pre ww2 - LAH, 1940, RAF, luftwaffe, USAAF, Russians, Arnhem, D-Day, Late war, early war, mid war germans, german navy, american navy, for a while Pacific, pre ww2 americans, buildings which can be used in each range!^&grin

I feel lucky to have found K&C as it has been a large part of my life and I've met many amazing people because of it! Looking forward to seeing what King and Country continue to produce!^&grin

I'll take a stab at addressing your points-

Disclaimer- shame you feel you have to insert that. Everyone should feel free to stand tall and proud about there brand. People dont like it tough.

1.) Subjective, if you were with KC in 84 and such and collected and preferred their glossy not sure today's catalog caters to that anymore.

2) Agree

3) Agree- though things seem lax these days for Pacific collectors {sm2}

4) Would be nice if he'd come see us at Gettysburg each spring. We do get manufacturers there. Some pretty interesting historical type attractions in the area as well. {sm4}

5) This is nothing no one else isn't doing so it really doesn't make KC different than anyone else. While some of his posts on this forum do seem acerbic and rub me the wrong way, through pm he has always seemed very tolerant and respectful of my views. I think this is a really neat hobby because we can interact with all of the manufacturers on a personal level. I think that is what makes this hobby great fun moreso than probably 95% of them out there.

6) They are nice and informative.

7) Agree, though it has created headaches for me in the past. Im a CPA by profession these days, dont really want to deal with tracking new and retired issues- feels too much like work.

8) Pros and cons on that. One thing I can say and cannot post on here (though I'd love too{sm4}) is that KC's retired secondary market helped me out of a bind I found myself in about 2 months ago. Good grief what a story!! {sm4}
Arnhem44Mad, Some good positive points you have made supporting concerning the Brand and the Hobby ! {bravo}}
Hope you enjoy the upcoming OMG releases ! ^&grin
"but about the poses I find them lazy: just standing or marching" Poppo

Fair point. I don't get these ones which helps my budget no end!
I like the figures sizewise
Got to admit the figures are getting better with
every releases ( sculpt and paint )
Been buying KC for years and will keep
buying KC ( have some on preorderd )
I like them is the main reason
Buy what u like , right

Consider yourself in "good company" even when your new releases receive "doubt or scorn" from others.

When people down you, rejoice(!), because it is likely a good sign that you are on the right path. Keep truckiN baby, my dollars are your dollars!:wink2:

Consider yourself in "good company" even when your new releases receive "doubt or scorn" from others.

When people down you, rejoice(!), because it is likely a good sign that you are on the right path. Keep truckiN baby, my dollars are your dollars!:wink2:

I like the figures sizewise
Got to admit the figures are getting better with
every releases ( sculpt and paint )
Been buying KC for years and will keep
buying KC ( have some on preorderd )
I like them is the main reason
Buy what u like , right

Sounds pretty basic and simple to me guys !! {bravo}}
I started recently collecting miniatures, and the only brand that getting my $$$ are those from K&C.

Amazing Sculpting and Painting. I really like them soooooo much ,I d'ont even know where to put those empty boxes. I will need to rent some storage space soon. {eek3}

Keep the good work Andy, and im sure i will be there at the Chicago Show on the 23th sept.

I started recently collecting miniatures, and the only brand that getting my $$$ are those from K&C.

Amazing Sculpting and Painting. I really like them soooooo much ,I d'ont even know where to put those empty boxes. I will need to rent some storage space soon. {eek3}

Keep the good work Andy, and im sure i will be there at the Chicago Show on the 23th sept.


Welcome to the forum King Tiger II. Glad to see you are enjoying the brand and the Hobby {bravo}}
Hi guys,

I have been collecting since the last few months of 2010, haven't look back ever since. King and country has been the main brand getting my $$ for a few reasons

a) I love history, especially military history, this brand has a hand in most part of the history of WW2.

b) The paint and detailing into every figure is just amazing.

c) the value that the figures retain over the years. (dun plan on selling them in the near future)

d) the widest range from lovely non war figures in the old HK and LOJ series to serious WW2 figures.


My first king and country model for WW2 is actually the king tiger from the bulge series, ever since that purchase I have been in the foxholes with the Americans at the ardennes and rushing with the Germans in a bid to reach the Meuse river, smoking with the Russians on the T-34 at Kursk , traveling back in time to ancient Greece and Imperial china and witnessing the rise of evil right in the heart of Berlin in 1935. ^&grin
My first king and country model for WW2 is actually the king tiger from the bulge series, ever since that purchase I have been in the foxholes with the Americans at the ardennes and rushing with the Germans in a bid to reach the Meuse river, smoking with the Russians on the T-34 at Kursk , traveling back in time to ancient Greece and Imperial china and witnessing the rise of evil right in the heart of Berlin in 1935. ^&grin

Hi guys,

I have been collecting since the last few months of 2010, haven't look back ever since. King and country has been the main brand getting my $$ for a few reasons

a) I love history, especially military history, this brand has a hand in most part of the history of WW2.

b) The paint and detailing into every figure is just amazing.

c) the value that the figures retain over the years. (dun plan on selling them in the near future)

d) the widest range from lovely non war figures in the old HK and LOJ series to serious WW2 figures.


Good to Hear Guys, Always good to see some happy collectors in the hobby {bravo}}
I bought these figures and tank this week.
To me they look just right. Eye catching, detailed and well painted.
Of course these were from a few years ago when things were cheaper but I stumbled upon a shop that still had them on their shelves at original price.

I bought these figures and tank this week.
To me they look just right. Eye catching, detailed and well painted.
Of course these were from a few years ago when things were cheaper but I stumbled upon a shop that still had them on their shelves at original price.


Easy, some very nice additions to your collection. I agree they are some nice sets :salute::
It seems with the upcoming Chicago show and upcoming surprise releases, King&Country and collectors will be quite busy over the next few months :wink2:

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