Why no K&C naval stuff? (1 Viewer)


Jan 5, 2009
So I am new to all of this but I can understand why no ships but why not personalities?

Chester Nimitz
"Bull" Halsey

I know they have those USN guys from china, but that is pretty obscure.

I know a reason has to exist, just don't think I have been around the community long enough to know why.
Britains make Halsey, Nimitz and Yamato figures which might still be around in 1/32 scale.I suspose K&C did not want to make figures made recently by Britains.
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It's not really obscure. At the present, the current range takes place in 1926 and represents when foreign powers were using gunboats to protect their interests. The new range or sub-range is designed to complement the Streets of Hong Kong range and not to be a general U.S. Navy range. That may come later but that is not the intent at the present time. There will actually be a gunboat, at some point in the future.
There are the Royal Navy sailors and officers from the Field of Battle range, and then many german parade (and Doenitz too) sailors in the LAH range..not many in their proper environment but they are great examples...i always admired (and soon i'll buy it) HK155...
I too am a Sailor and I wish for more Navy stuff. But, I do enjoy the stuff that K&C makes. It is all high quality. I am presently buying the USN stuff and hope that more are made. It will all depend on how well these initial ones sell. let me know if you find any other navy minatures. I am always interested in Navy minatures. Welcome aboard,

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