Why so little reporting on 2012 OTSN ? (2 Viewers)


Feb 24, 2007
In all the years that I have been following reports on the Chicago show this has been the sparsest ever. There are so many products and vendors that have been totally absent. What gives? Hopefully when folks get home they will post pictures to fill in the gaps.
Could be that everyone is wide eyed and mesmerised by all the new products that they have forgotten to take any pic's!!!

2012 Dealer List at OTSN

Patrick Adams, British Toy Soldier co
Paul Amody
Gary Aschenbrenner, Old Marx and other things
Nicholas Aulnette
Robert Bailey
Ron Barzso, Barzso Playsets
Fred Bauer
Francois Beaumont
Carl Behr, Behr Antiques
Will Beierwaltes
Joe Berton
Dave Bonick, Traverse Dioramics
Tony Borges, Heyde Hunters
Xavier Bourdin
Ric Bracamontes, Company B
Charlene Breitlow
Bart Bryerton, Bryerton's Military Miniatures
Phylip Bultez, Figurine and Collections/Tsar Soldiers
Ronald Cadieux, Soldier Brave
Nicholas Cameron, Crown Military Miniatures
Jack Carleton, Le Petit Soldat
Barry Carter, Indy Toy Soldier Shohw
Jeff Caufield, Castle Hill Antiques
Paul Cirocco, Brigade Miniatures
Wayne Claeren
Steve Connell, Connell Toy soldiers
Alan Cook, Zinnfiguren Lead Flats
Peter Cowan
Johnathan Crawford, World Toy Soldier
Star Curley, Star Collectables
Doug Dearth, Order of Battle
Ted Deddens, Ted Toy
Ana Maria Donzino, Beau Geste Honor Bound
Roger Dubois, Dimestore Conversions
Rick Eber
Ron Eccles, Eccles Bros LTD
Rich Egan
Bob Emmons, Big Top Toy Co.
Tom English
Edmund Fangonilo, Edmund's Traditional Toy Soldiers
Alejandra Fernandez, Andrea USA
Thomas Finck
Dave Fisher, Misc. Miniatures
Alan Ford, Brandwyne Toy Soldiers
Willie Forester, Forester Ent
Gisbert Freberg
Roger Garfield, Faded Glory Old Marx
John Graham
Joe Grandolfo
Bill Graver, Counterpane Gallery
Gary Green, Warstore Collectibles
Edward Gries, Relic Golden Amusements
George Guerriero, Minutemen Toy Soldiers
Henry Alan Gwin, Alan Gwin
Rick Hakala
Donald Hall
Mike Hall, Sierra Toy Soldier Co.
Ray Haradin, Toys of Yesterday
Len Hardt, Father and Son Toys
Bryan Headly, Republic Miniatures
Paul Herrmann, The Toy Soldier Shoppe
Bill Hocker , William Hocker Toys
Mike Holverson, Fort Dearborn Collectibles
Hank Horn, Miniature Outpost
Bob Hornung, Hornung Art
Jim Hoskins
Bill Hurlbutt
Sergei Ilyashenko, Lead Army
Thor Johnson, The St. Petersburg Collection
Dan Jones, Jones Bros.
Michael Jones, Jones Bros.
Robert Jones, Battletoys
Norman Joplin
Joe Joria
Lenoir Josey
Rick Keller
Rusty Kern, Playset Magazine
Kent Kline
Conrad Koller, The Colonels Collection
Mike Kutnick, Kutnick Collectibles
Xavier Lara, 1st Cav. Toy Soldiers
Gianiluca (Luca) Latini, Del Prado USA
Joey Levato
Brian Levy, The Collectors Showcase
Gary Linden
Adrian Little
Mike Luteran, Step Back in Time
Michael Mattimore, Moorefield Miniatures
Craig McClain, Old Toy Soldier Home
Daniel McLean, Toymeister
Bill McMaster, BMC Toys Inc
Ben Michel
Ed Miller, Gettysburg Toy Soldier
Gary Miller, Millerfigs
Jerry Miller, Timeless Toys and Collectables
Andrew Moffatt, Andy's Tanks and Soldiers
Bill Moore
Scott Morlan
Merrill Morris
Bill Murphy, Marx Playset Co.
Matthew Murphy, Hobby Bunker Inc.
Larry Nahigian
Andy Neilson, King & Country
Robert Nelson, RNB Enterprises
Michael Niksic, 1/72 Legions in Plastic
Charles O'Brien
Rick O'Brien, Flag Dude
Bob O'Connell, Northcoast Miniatures
Michael O'Donnell, Nostalgia Toys
Ken Osen, Hudson and Allen Studios
R. Don Patman
Ben Pauley, Soldier Collectibles
James Petta
Don Pielin, Chicago Toy Soldier Show
Calvin Plowman, Sr.
Gerard Prime, Frontline Figures
Ron Race
Joe Remson, Remson's Executive Collectibles
Shannon Reuss, Treefrog Treasures
Neil Rhodes, Toy Soldier Shop of Washington D.C.
Bill Richardson
Mark Robb
Bruce Roberts, Custom Toy Soldiers
Arnold Rolak, Texas Toy Soldier
Jack Rossman, Denver Jack
Gene Ruth
Joseph Saine, Joseph Saine Toy Soldiers
Russ Salberg, Carthage Miniatures
John Sanheim
Nick Sass
Scott Schleh
Tom Scott, Not for Children Only
Judy Shapiro, Medallion Miniatures
Mike Shore, Boardwalk Hobby Shop
Larry Simons, March Through Times
William Skinner
Rick Smelter, Helmet Toy Soldiers
Steve Sommers
John Stengel, The Marx Man
Peter Stephano, Drumbeat Toy Soldiers
Joseph Svec, Toy Knights.com
Rich Sweeney
Duanne Tanner
Tony Teper, The Toy Box
Rick Thomas, Adventure Games and Hobbies
Buzz Thorp, Hiriart
Doug Treadwell
Jack Updyke, Minimen
Martin Vasquez, Kings X Toy Soldiers
Nick Versteeg, Toy Soldiers Of San Diego
Ralph Waespe, Ralph's Hobbies
Richard Walker, W. Britains
Joe Wallis
Rick Wang, Figarti
Dick Warner, Warner's Dimestore Military
Bill Weaver
Larry Weindorf, Larry's Legions
Steve Weston, Steve Weston's Toy Soldiers
Ed Wilson
Jack Young
Mark Young
Rick Zunica
Bob Zwald
In all the years that I have been following reports on the Chicago show this has been the sparsest ever. There are so many products and vendors that have been totally absent. What gives? Hopefully when folks get home they will post pictures to fill in the gaps.

That is what I started thinking on Friday. Where is the coverage from all the old reliable reporters? How is it possible that not one of them has posted anything? Usually, they are falling all over each other to get their photos posted.
That is what I started thinking on Friday. Where is the coverage from all the old reliable reporters? How is it possible that not one of them has posted anything? Usually, they are falling all over each other to get their photos posted.

Well reaching into my bag of stock phrases perhaps it is the economy and maybe a sense of malaise among collectors. I noticed that John Jenkins was not attending this years show and heard that Figarti is not presenting a shock and awe piece. Is this accurate?

That is what I started thinking on Friday. Where is the coverage from all the old reliable reporters? How is it possible that not one of them has posted anything? Usually, they are falling all over each other to get their photos posted.

I am always grateful for those that have been able to bring the show to those who could not attend, but I must agree. Hopefully, it is not the post count thing scaring folks off. This is easily the most underwhelming covered show, based on past experiences. Not a dig, but a curiosity..Michael
Could be that everyone is wide eyed and mesmerised by all the new products that they have forgotten to take any pic's!!!


rob has mastered the art of uploading pictures while heavily under the influence whereas the americans have yet to take this next step in evolution
A lack of posts is probably more a function of a lack of time on the part of those who visited the show, than of the quality of the show's content. It can take a while to take photos and process them. I think we'll see more content soon.

I was hoping for more. I've seen the K&C displays, but not any figure close-ups or supposed Napoleonic releases. Figarti have released images on their website; without these there would have been no pictures! I am glad that TF has put some images together but there is so much more that hasn't been shown. It's a shame really when you recall how many of Chicago 2011 photos were available. I am hoping that once the show has finished, photos will become available, but there appears to be a general state of apathy about posting images.

Show me some FL(was there anyting new), CS (new Tiger), TGM (new anniversary releases), Metalshed (anything), Little Legion, more Britains, more K&C etc. Please guys, show us what you've got!
I am most interested in the cottage type manufacturers that do not feature prominently on the internet.
That is what makes the shows interesting.
Hopefully we will see some pictures of Somerset, WM Hocker and Metal Shed amongst others,
Apparently Beau geste have a new Delhi Durbar elephant and that has not yet been shown on the forum.
Sorry for the lack of reporting but Carlos wasn't here this year. Steven and Brian gave reports on the K & C and Britains dinner and many of the manufacturers had already shown their products or discussed them on the Forum. I believe Marc was taking a lot of photos so I'm sure we will see them next week.

Somerset wasn't here this year. Ron's wife is very, very ill. I'm not sure if Britains had anything new. Defer to others. Frontline did not and I don't believe JJD did although Crown Miniatures airfield display was magnificent.

Also impressive was the Khaki Army; Treefrog is the dealer. These are statuettes of around a foot tall and look like sculptures. The para and RAF pilot were my favorites and Pete told me they sold many at the Show.

I will do my best to answer any questions.
Sorry for the lack of reporting but Carlos wasn't here this year. Steven and Brian gave reports on the K & C and Britains dinner and many of the manufacturers had already shown their products or discussed them on the Forum. I believe Marc was taking a lot of photos so I'm sure we will see them next week.

Somerset wasn't here this year. Ron's wife is very, very ill. I'm not sure if Britains had anything new. Defer to others. Frontline did not and I don't believe JJD did although Crown Miniatures airfield display was magnificent.

Also impressive was the Khaki Army; Treefrog is the dealer. These are statuettes of around a foot tall and look like sculptures. The para and RAF pilot were my favorites and Pete told me they sold many at the Show.

I will do my best to answer any questions.

Thanks Brad. Sorry to hear about Ron's wife.
A lack of posts is probably more a function of a lack of time on the part of those who visited the show, than of the quality of the show's content. It can take a while to take photos and process them. I think we'll see more content soon.


Jeez Brad, a lack of time has never been a problem before in Chicago, especially, or even at the West Coaster and I certainly don't think that it reflects on the quality of the show's content. Photo coverage usually started rolling in on Thursday and continued right through the shows. Many times that resulted in multiple coverage of the same items, but that has always been ok with me---the more the merrier. I am begining to wonder if Peter Reuss's offer to consolidate photos from various collectors on the Treefrog link caused them not to take photos based on the assumption that there would be many posts from others on the Treefrog link. Just a thought. I hope you are right about the photos coming in later.
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Sorry for the lack of reporting but Carlos wasn't here this year. Steven and Brian gave reports on the K & C and Britains dinner and many of the manufacturers had already shown their products or discussed them on the Forum. I believe Marc was taking a lot of photos so I'm sure we will see them next week.

Somerset wasn't here this year. Ron's wife is very, very ill. I'm not sure if Britains had anything new. Defer to others. Frontline did not and I don't believe JJD did although Crown Miniatures airfield display was magnificent.

Also impressive was the Khaki Army; Treefrog is the dealer. These are statuettes of around a foot tall and look like sculptures. The para and RAF pilot were my favorites and Pete told me they sold many at the Show.

I will do my best to answer any questions.

Thanks for your input Brad. I am sorry to hear about Ron's wife being ill. I hope everything works out for them.

Did Frontline bring any of their new SYW figures? Specifically, the Austrians and Russians which are suppose to be next in the pipeline. I hope that future photo coverage at the show is not limited to what is new; I always enjoy seeing the displays and tables whether they are new or not. If this is the new trend, I am going to have to start going to Chicago again.
In years past I was able to attend the OTSN show from Thurssday til Sunday. I always tried to give a pictorial report about the show after I returned home the following Monday. However, this year I was only able to attend for one day on Friday and in my zeal to get there I forgot to bring my camera. The best I could do was give a report on what I was able to purchase while there and I did that Saturday morning in the First Legion and the Hudson & Allen forums. The show is still not over and I am sure there will be more reports coming in later this evening and into tomorrow . . . .
:smile2: Mike
I have some Figarti, Hocker, Barzso, Minuteman, & Collector's Showcase images that I'll whip on tonight when the show is over. They aren't perfect (I barely had time to leave the tables) but they are something.
I have some Figarti, Hocker, Barzso, Minuteman, & Collector's Showcase images that I'll whip on tonight when the show is over. They aren't perfect (I barely had time to leave the tables) but they are something.

Thanks Pete--no rush--when you have a chance--just glad to know you have these for us.
I thought it was just me, I am glad many of you noticed also. Alex
Thanks for your input Brad. I am sorry to hear about Ron's wife being ill. I hope everything works out for them.

Did Frontline bring any of their new SYW figures? Specifically, the Austrians and Russians which are suppose to be next in the pipeline. I hope that future photo coverage at the show is not limited to what is new; I always enjoy seeing the displays and tables whether they are new or not. If this is the new trend, I am going to have to start going to Chicago again.

That's the whole idea Mike: to get you back there :smile2:

I have some Figarti, Hocker, Barzso, Minuteman, & Collector's Showcase images that I'll whip on tonight when the show is over. They aren't perfect (I barely had time to leave the tables) but they are something.

They are up.

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