Wikipedia? (1 Viewer)

Can anyone please suggest an alternative source of general information to Wikipedia? Its blocked here in China, along with BBC News.
They can do that? That is why there are so many people who brave weeks on container ships:rolleyes:

Yup, they can do that. Will be interesting to find out what else they've blocked. I'm keeping up with world events by subscibing to various UK based newspaper sites - but the lack of BBC and Wikipedia for quick references is a drag. Actually, I can log into other BBC sites, just nothing that has NEWS in the link. I often wondered when I lived here in the past why I couldn't tune the radio into BBC Worldservice even though there's a relay in Hong Kong. Willing to bet now that its blocked too. Dalian does have a massive naval base of course, so it could all be down to the usual Chinese paranoia......
i dont meet people who i talk to online im afraid there going to turn out to be a 60 year old pedafile

That's a very good policy. :) You never know who might be reading these posts.
As the father of two daughters who still live back in Scotland, I was always extremely concerned when they were younger that they didn't give out personal details in chat rooms, etc. I think as long as both you and Mr Lee follow Shannon's advice, then you'll be safe enough.
Brad's also is a good suggestion. :)

Take Care
Wikipedia can be a good starting point if you're researching something but it certainly shouldn't be what you'd rely upon for the last word on anything.

However, the quality is quite good and if you're multilingual you'll find that many of the language version discussion points on articles can often bring up other sources of information not previously considered say from the European or American perspective.

On the personal information thing, you young chaps should take a look at the long list of ugly mugshots posted on a forum thread here: if you see any of them at a toy soldier show then you know you're in pretty safe company (but keep a firm grip on any retired K&C you've just found).
On the personal information thing, you young chaps should take a look at the long list of ugly mugshots posted on a forum thread here: if you see any of them at a toy soldier show then you know you're in pretty safe company (but keep a firm grip on any retired K&C you've just found).

Present company included!:D
Wikipedia can be a good starting point if you're researching something but it certainly shouldn't be what you'd rely upon for the last word on anything.

Completly agree, but its handy for just a quick reference which is why I'm missing the opportunity to use it - and Encarta is certainly not in the same league. Oh well, I'll maybe find some other site that I can use.
Interestingly, they haven't blocked YouTube which I find quite surprising.

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