Wings of war ww2 october 2016 release (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Aug 28, 2007




Dear All
Welcome to October's release of our superb 1/30 scale WW2 wooden aircraft,
all of which take over 60 hours to complete. This month we have news of 3
aircraft which are available now and 2 aircraft which are coming soon, all
our aircraft are produced in limited quantities and can be paid for upfront
or over several months on a payment plan if this is your preferred option.

WOW 093 The North American Aviation P-51 Mustang was a single seat
fighter/fighter bomber utilised by the USAAF and RAF during WW2. Initially
the Mustang was designed as a response for a requirement by the RAF for
additional fighter aircraft and first flew on 26th October 1940, 102 days
after the contract was first signed by the British purchasing commission.
The Mustang was initially powered by the Allinson V-1710 engine but this
lacked the necessary high altitude performance required by the RAF and the
engine was substituted for the Rolls Royce Merlin. This modification
transformed the Mustang into a first class aircraft capable of taking on any
of the Luftwaffe's fighters. From 1943 the USAAF used Mustangs to escort the
8th Air Force in their bombing raids over Germany whilst the 9th Air Force
used Mustangs as Fighter Bombers, in a combination that helped achieve air
superiority in the European campaign by 1944. Mustangs were also used with
great effect in North Africa, Italy the Mediterranean and the Pacific to
help turn the tide of war in the Allies favour.
Our version of the Mustang is one flown by Captain Charles Weaver an
American ace with several awards to his name including the Distinguished
Flying Cross, The Air Medal and the French Croix de Guerre.
Limited to 12 pieces worldwide, the US army sentry figure pictured in the
attachments comes free with this model.

The FW190 is known as one of the iconic aircraft of WW2, designed by Kurt
Wolff in the 1930's it along with the Messerschmitt Bf 109 became the
backbone of the Luftwaffe's fighter force during WW2. Powered by a BMW 801
twin row radial engine the FW 190 was capable of lifting heavier loads than
the BF 109 allowing it to be utilised in several different roles including,
fighter, fighter bomber and ground attack aircraft. The FW 190 made its
first appearance over France in 1941 and proved superior to the RAF's MK V
Spitfire in all aspects except turn radius. The FW 190 maintained this
superiority until the introduction of the Spitfire MK 1X in November 1942.
By 1944 Long Nosed variants of the F version of the FW 190 were entering
service and this aircraft finally gave the Luftwaffe the parity it needed to
address Allied superiority, unfortunately for the Luftwaffe it arrived too
late in the war to have any real effect.
WOW 099 'Black 3' was built in 1942 at the AGO factory in Ocherlesben and
allocated to the fighter bomber wing of JG 5 Eismeer. Based at Herdla
outside Bergen before being moved to Petsamo in Finland. It was then flown
by Sgt Hans Gunther Kleemann on several missions. However in October 1943
Kleemann bailed out of Black 3, after running out of fuel in a snowstorm
west of Kongsfjord. Kleemann survived his landing and eventually made his
way back to his base 2 days later, Black 3 was left for over 40 years where
it had crashed In 1986 the wreck was recovered by the Norwegians and
restored over a lengthy period in Norway and the USA, being the subject of 2
rebuilds! She now stands in the Norwegian Armed Forces Museum in Norway and
is one of only 2 surviving FW 190 A 3's in the world.

Our second FW 190 WOW 100 is a Desert version 'Yellow 3' and was flown by
Oblt. Erich Rudorffer whilst stationed with 6.JG 2. Rudorffer was the 7th
most successful Luftwaffe ace of the war with 222 victories claimed in over
1000 missions, he was a gifted pilot who served on all combat fronts, he was
lucky to survive the war despite being shot down 16 times and having to take
to his parachute 9 times! He is credited with 10 heavy Allied bombers, 58
Sturmovik's and 60 Allied fighters on the Western Front during a career
which netted him the Knights Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords plus a German
Cross in Gold. After the war Rudorffer flew DC-3's in Australia before going
to work for Pan Am and the German Civil Aviation Service, he died this year
in April aged 98 years old. Both FW 190's come with LUFT 008 Footballer
ground crew figure Fritz Walter as a freebie.

All the above aircraft are priced at $650 which includes free shipping
worldwide and are limited to 12 pieces each, they can be purchased via our
website or by dropping me an email. For those of you
wishing to purchase more than one aircraft a discount on shipping will

I have pleasure in attaching pictures of our all new B 17 'My Devotion' and
a Horsa glider from D-Day which will be making an appearance soon. If you
are interested in reserving either of these pieces please send me an email
as we only have 5 of each on offer at this moment in time. The guide price
for the B17 will be $1500 and the Horsa (which is also an extremely large
model) will be $1200 approx plus postage and packing as of yet to be

That's it for WW2 folks, WW1 aircraft details will be released later this
Best wishes
The Gunn Team







Goodness me, that B17 is one massive bird! All the birds are very, very nice as usual.

Should be some very happy collectors this month. The B-17 is an absolute beast and the FW's are superb. Those asking for the Horsa should be well pleased, as well. -- Al

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