Wish Me Luck..... (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
Because I'm at a metal concert that I've taken my son at the Roseland in New York City. As the parking attendant said "what some parents won't do for their kids."

Wonder what Count Basie (who played here) would think?
As that band Quiet Riot sang back in the '80's, "Metal health will drive you mad!"
As that band Quiet Riot sang back in the '80's, "Metal health will drive you mad!"

Careful Louis - That album was the first I ever owned (and yes, it was an LP!). Brings back fond memories.

Ah, the good old days...

As a character from the Survivor said on the Larry David show a couple of years back, "I survived, I'm a survivor!"

And I did bring ear plugs. My son and his friends had a great time. Lots of head banging. They were right near the mosh pit, but fortunately not in it. Unfortunately, they were right near the speakers and have a little ringing.
Cheers Brad:

You are a good father, a brave man and very smart to bring the ear plugs. You made me think of that movie Detroit Rock City! I could picture you all painted up like "KISS". Anyway, at least it was not Cher's 20th year Farewell Tour, "Bab's Political fund-raiser private concert tour or better yet Yanni!

A Survivor Indeed,

You're kidding, right?

However, for Scott's benefit, long playing record, 33 1/3.

Oh yes. I remember my sweet old grandmother telling me about them, when I was but an itty-bitty babe, on the front porch whilst she was gently rocking me to sleep in her loving, caring arms, as the rain poured gently in the East Midlands sky, with a grayish-blue glow. Played on something called a 'record player' if memory serves me correctly.....:D

Yep, just kidding. I've got my best 70's punk / funk and 80's cheese on them thar vinyl frisbees.

We saw three bands, Lacuna Coil (they weren't bad), Shadows Fall (my son's favorite but I don't they were that good) and the headliner, Stone Sour. They were pretty good. The place was sold out. The doors opened at 645, we got there about 6 and the crowd was snaked all around the block. Everyone was pretty well behaved but towards the end I did see the security leading some people out because they were drunk or whatever.
Glad you came through unscathed Brad!.Having seen AC/DC and Status Quo many times in their 1970's heydays the volume was staggering and left my ears ringing for days!.Funny can't imagine jumping up and down 'headbanging' anymore!.


You are a brave man and good father.

I used to go to the ROCK SUPERBOWLS in Orlando, Florida

AC/DC - Steve Miller Band - Molly Hatchet - KISS

I can believe I lived through all that. :rolleyes:

A brave man indeed. My big concern in going was that I do have some ear problems (I have had a form of tinnitus) and didn't want to do further damage. But the sound system was pretty good and with the ear plugs I came through fine. I actually took my son to see Clapton at Madison Square Garden in September and that was far noisier. So, overall, this was better.
Bet you'll be glad to hear some Jazz after all that won't you Brad?;)

Careful Louis - That album was the first I ever owned (and yes, it was an LP!). Brings back fond memories.

Ah, the good old days...


I was a metal head as kid. I saw Quiet Riot live warming up for Judas Priest at Madison Square Garden (I think it was the "Turbo Lover" tour in 1983 or so (God I'm getting old).
Cheers Brad:

Anyway, at least it was not Cher's 20th year Farewell Tour, "Bab's Political fund-raiser private concert tour or better yet Yanni!

A Survivor Indeed,


In addition to seeing such classic rock, hard core and heavy metal acts over the years as the Rolling Stones (Steel Wheels), the Eagles (Hell Froze Over) Eric Clapton, Van Halen (Diver Down and 1984), Judas Priest (3 tours) Iron Maiden (3 tours, including Radio City Music Hall for "Piece of Mind"), AC/DC (For Those About to Rock), the Clash, Public Image Limited, Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode, Billy Joel and Elton John (both separately and together in the Pianomen tour), I have seen Yanni, Gladis Knight, the Village People, and Barry Manilow live as well. Call it eclectic, or call me messed up, but my taste runs the gammit.
I grew up on heavy metal also and played lead guitar in many bands from when I was 16 till about 6 years ago just before my daughter was born.
I was always into great guitar bands like van halen, hendrix,zepplin,ozzy,and to many others to mention. I would have givin brad a heart attack with my marshall stack amplifier!!!:eek: :p But I was also into jazz and classical music also brad so you might have been able to stand my classical nylon string guitar with a few bach pieces.

I was never any good at playing any of the jazz stuff its very complicated stuff to play with LOTS of chord changes and real hard to solo over because of all the chord changes.
One of my freinds I grew up with playing in rock bands got into a lot of bebop jazz and went to berkle music collage and he would come by my house and jam and always want to do these jazz standards with tons of changes and I,d always just have to play rythem guitar because there were just to many changes for me to solo over that stuff, so I have a lot of respect for guys who can play jazz well and improvise over that stuff.

Last I heard my freind now teaches guitar at berkle music collage. He was reponsible for turning me onto many great jazz guitar players like howard roberts,pat martino,johnny smith, and many others.
I was already listening to some great jazz guitar players like wes montgomery, joe pass and grant green but he turned me onto many that I had never heard of like jimmy bruno and other lesser know players with lots of chops as we guitar players call them.

I like jazz and classical but I,ll always be a hard rocker at heart even though these days the music seems to be getting to loud to me also and like we used to say if its to loud your too old,so I must be starting to get up there in age!!!:p

Glad to see that you have an appreciation for jazz. Wish many others were like you. Also glad to see that you like Wes and Grant, especially Grant as he's one of my favorites. If you don't have it, I can recommend the four cd retrospective Blue Note (the label on which he did most of his output) did a few years back. I can probably burn it if you'd like. Wes is similarly amazing but different.
I must be old, I liked the Moody Blues,Simon and Garfunkel, David Gates, and Elton John. Also I loved jazz and classical as a kid.......I must of been a :eek: nerd....Michael

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