Word game (3 Viewers)


Command Sergeant Major
Apr 22, 2005
There have a been a few heated debates so I thought we would try something different. I've seen this word game on other forums so lets try it here. We'll start with a word like sad then you are allow to change one letter from the word to create another word like mad then may and so on.

The rules are: You cannot add letters. You can only use words in English. It must be a WORD, no abbriviations. You can only change one letter. Take turns.

We will start with.

Gentle Friends,

My contribution is:


Warmest personal regards,

Pat ;)


Gotta remember fellas- he's a marine- they need pictures to follow the instructions (Friendly humor John!! ;))

I am still laughing about that one- mom needs to throw John a steak on the grill I am thinking. :)

This is sort of like forum scrabble. Ok- BERM hmmmm can we add letters Alex perhaps if we could expand it to 5 or more letters we could get a tad more creative....................

Oh I know........A word that has caused me Many many problems in the past

Sorry Chris BEER isn't going to work because technically two letters were changed. Now I'm thirsty. :)
Sorry Chris BEER isn't going to work because technically two letters were changed. Now I'm thirsty. :)


Well- what a dope I am :D It's happy hour out here in Central Pa. Well, throw me in the recycle bin with John :p

Ok- berm- hmmmmmmmmm.........

how about BEAM????
Keeping the word aligned to a few recent posts on the forum


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