Work in progress (2 Viewers)

Amazing Guy, I thought this was the case as I have seen other diorama's of yours where the figures are free standing. Do you put the bases back on at some later stage or do they stay this way? Have mixed emotions about tampering with a $45 figure, not that I need to keep it in tact for resale, but perhaps to keep it uniform with the other figures in the series. You are very brave in my book. Robin.

My local dealer asked me if he could use my dios to boost sales of toy soldiers in his shop. His shop is situated in a very popular seaside resort. Collectors from the Uk, Northern France , Belgium and Germany visit this shop and seeing my dios it happens many times that they want to buy them . Result: I make a new dio and a couple of months later the dio is sold ( Has to stay a few months in the show window of the shop)This enables me to buy new figures and also replace the ones that were used in the dio if they are not already retired.
My local dealer asked me if he could use my dios to boost sales of toy soldiers in his shop. His shop is situated in a very popular seaside resort. Collectors from the Uk, Northern France , Belgium and Germany visit this shop and seeing my dios it happens many times that they want to buy them . Result: I make a new dio and a couple of months later the dio is sold ( Has to stay a few months in the show window of the shop)This enables me to buy new figures and also replace the ones that were used in the dio if they are not already retired.

Sounds like a great way to generate funds for the Hobby !

Really great looking photos of your splendid WW2 diorama!

"Iron Brigade"
Really nice looking scene Guy. Love the way you've removed the bases from the figures. Keep up the good work.
the Americans are coming !!!!!
still to do : the railway on the embankment, flat top German railway carriage bringing supplies( already painted), German guard and two more GI's. Hope to finish the whole dio by December 20th


Almost finished just one more US GI missing . Today I can show you what is happening on the railway embankment . Next week pics of the finished dio( needs more snow in some areas)


The railway is coming along really nicely Guy!

Envy your skills and patience Guy. This is turning into a masterpiece.:salute::, Robin.

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