WORLD EXCLUSIVE - 1st Legion Samurai Review (1 Viewer)


Apr 19, 2007
Not sure if the title of this thread's strictly true, but we picked up our first ever order from 1st Legion this morning, so;

1/ Are they superb.

2/ Are they value for money in the current financial climate?
Given the sculpting detail, level of the paintwork and in comparison with other manufacturer's Asian subjects, I'd say yes, they're a fair enough price.

3/ Are the boxes and packaging any good.
Yes, without a shadow of a doubt. See photo's below.

4/ How do they compare with East of India's Samurai?
I think they'll be very compatible. We'll know better when we get home and I post some comparative photo's on Thursday.

5/ Are they compatible with AN Others Asian figures?
No. They're slightly smaller with a different painting style. More subdued and quite similar to EoI's painting style, IMHO. Refer to last two photo's below which are examples of EoI's figures.

6/ Will this first release of three figures mean a boost for both 1st Legion and EoI?
Well, I'm collecting both manufacturer's Samurai anyway - so my decision's already been made - but I'd like to think that this release will draw more collectors into the inherent beauty of Asian miniature figurines in general.

7/ Are Me'n'Missus Heid happy with them and are we looking forward to the next 1st Legion Samurai release?
Daft question. A resounding YEEEEEESSSSS to that one.

8/ Can I take half-decent photo's in our hotel room using a bluetooth enabled mobile phone camera?
Judge for yourselves, but I'm itching to get these home and set up some real photo-shoots with them.....and all the other loot we've picked up in Beijing.







very nice shots for a phone camera..looks like the quality is up there with those pricey russian figures..see any WW2 figures carelessly strewn around the place:D FL are supposed to be releasing some this year i think.
very nice shots for a phone camera..looks like the quality is up there with those pricey russian figures..see any WW2 figures carelessly strewn around the place:D FL are supposed to be releasing some this year i think.

Yeah, I've heard those rumours about 1st Legion branching into WWII too. (Clumsy English intended).
As for the photo's, they ought to be okay. The phone is an LG KU990 with a camera featuring a Schneider lens and is cabable of taking snaps at a resolution of 5.1 Mpixel. Not that I'm trying to sell it on here like.....
;) :):)

Hey ya H,

Really love those FL samurai, and agreed about the excellent qualtiy photos. Hope you and missus are having a nice time in Beijing.

Hey ya H,

Really love those FL samurai, and agreed about the excellent qualtiy photos. Hope you and missus are having a nice time in Beijing.


Hey Ya back MD.
Yeah, we're having a simply spiffing time to ourselves although The Empress's eyes almost popped out when she saw the size of the Amazon and 3 x Miniature Figurine parcels that were sitting in the company office gathering dust. She's used to seeing me turn up at home with additions to our collection protected in bubble-wrap and crammed into a suitcase, not the manufacturer's boxes they come in. No worries, once I got rid of most of the boxes we got them all safely into a suitable case.
Did Tiananmen Square and The Forbidden City on Saturday (although we visited them together 5 years ago, they were still worth doing again). Did the Beijing Military Museum yesterday. Simply amazing. I hope the photo's come out okay - although most of the older exhibits were behind glass naturally. Shall post some of the snaps on Thursday after we get home.

Hi H

Those old son are indeed beautiful looking figures-Quite clear by your shots that FL are continuing their Napoleonic excellence into their next series.

Assume we can all look forward to a future Hollywood Heid production of "The Magnificent Three Samurai":D:D

Hi H

Those old son are indeed beautiful looking figures-Quite clear by your shots that FL are continuing their Napoleonic excellence into their next series.

Assume we can all look forward to a future Hollywood Heid production of "The Magnificent Three Samurai":D:D


I'll second that notion. :)


Those figures are very appealing, as always your camera work is superb, Michael
Hey Ya back MD.
Yeah, we're having a simply spiffing time to ourselves although The Empress's eyes almost popped out when she saw the size of the Amazon and 3 x Miniature Figurine parcels that were sitting in the company office gathering dust. She's used to seeing me turn up at home with additions to our collection protected in bubble-wrap and crammed into a suitcase, not the manufacturer's boxes they come in. No worries, once I got rid of most of the boxes we got them all safely into a suitable case.
Did Tiananmen Square and The Forbidden City on Saturday (although we visited them together 5 years ago, they were still worth doing again). Did the Beijing Military Museum yesterday. Simply amazing. I hope the photo's come out okay - although most of the older exhibits were behind glass naturally. Shall post some of the snaps on Thursday after we get home.


Sorry Harry, somehow I missed this post earlier....I could swear it wasn't here before my last post. Weird!

Anyway, thanks for the photos and the travel updates. It is always great to hear of your comings and goings. Funny story about the size of the shipping boxes, and I'm sure most of us can relate to this scenario. Cannot wait to see more of your new goods on display once you get back home. I think Reb's idea of a new Heid samurai saga is brilliant too.

Sorry Harry, somehow I missed this post earlier....I could swear it wasn't here before my last post. Weird!


Yeah, you've noticed that as well MD..?? By Jove, I must say it does seem rather strange, doesn't it..?? It appears to be happening every single time I post here....:(
Must be cos I'm going through a Beijing server. It's beginning to wonder if the Chinese Secret Service are reading everything I put on here just in case its subversive to the State.
It could be that it's the translation from English to Chinese then, when they realise what I'm sending out is harmless, the subsequent re-translation back into English is causing the apparent delay in my posts appearing.
Or maybe I'm just getting paranoid. They wouldn't do something like that.....Would they..??
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Couldn't resist any longer and picked up SAM002 along with the British artillery set and a couple of British Guard figures to start with. These are my first hobby purchases of the year... and I must say these are very nice... and true 54mm. Thanks, Matt! Live long and prosper... :)
He's a real beauty Harry. Did you get the rest of them or just this one so far?

He's a real beauty Harry. Did you get the rest of them or just this one so far?


Oh, thank you so very much MD. You're extremely kind.
He is a BEAUT isn't he though?
I did get the rest of them, but he's my fav in the range - so far.


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