World War I Plastics (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
May 29, 2009
I would have liked to have seen all the energy from the recent Vietnam work, Afghanistan, modern era etc from all the manufacturers to have been directed towards making equivalent quality of plastic World War I figures. It would have been interesting to see the sales comparison between the two and if it would have been a worthwhile adventure to produce WWI figures. AIP WWI sales to me would not reflect the interest due to the difference in quality. Weston's tanks are great but maybe did not meet sales expectation. I am confounded about the lack of interest and production of 1/32 WWI figures in plastic. WWI would have international appeal, while Vietnam is primarily USA? Just my opinion. I do appreciate that each company who finances their own interests while I am in the peanut gallery with only funding to purchase once produced. I don't wish to detract from the wonderful figures forthcoming from all the manufacturers, but please as I ask humbly explain the lack of WWI figures in plastic and lack of interest/market.
Good old Armies In Plastic is about it. The French are still not well represented other than one set plus the FFI.
I thought this was a good option too. I've always thought the secret was to have a set that had ongoing appeal - as in WW1 Germans could be sold in conjunction with a stack of opponents. I've said on the Britains thread I'd like to see them do plastic - this would be the range to try I think.
I thought this was a good option too. I've always thought the secret was to have a set that had ongoing appeal - as in WW1 Germans could be sold in conjunction with a stack of opponents. I've said on the Britains thread I'd like to see them do plastic - this would be the range to try I think.

AIP was smart to have 1914 Germans, infantry and Uhlans, but needs 1914 Brits and French to fight them. At least the WW I Russians, Indian troops, Highlanders, and mounted Brits are there. The later war Germans have the Helmeted Brits, French and US as opponents. The one French set has men in Greatcoats and tunics but this set lacks enough of one or the other to build a large uniform force of men without buying 10s of boxes. Two wounded figures are a waste as are the non firing machine gunners.
Come on AIP, how about more French forces. :)
When was the last set of anything did AIP release? I believe it was over a year ago. Could they be about done?
It cost me a few dollars but here is what I did. I have 2 guys that convert plastic figures for me. For between $6 & $8 dollars apiece I have numerous WW1 figures. Brits, French, Germans, Turks, New Zealanders, Aussies, Russian, artillary, machine gun teams, mounted, figures with gas mask. Yes I would like AIP or any company for that matter to do WW1 but there are options. Plus I have 2 sets of the old form tech WW1 trench systems.
If you want any further info message me.
When was the last set of anything did AIP release? I believe it was over a year ago. Could they be about done?
It cost me a few dollars but here is what I did. I have 2 guys that convert plastic figures for me. For between $6 & $8 dollars apiece I have numerous WW1 figures. Brits, French, Germans, Turks, New Zealanders, Aussies, Russian, artillary, machine gun teams, mounted, figures with gas mask. Yes I would like AIP or any company for that matter to do WW1 but there are options. Plus I have 2 sets of the old form tech WW1 trench systems.
If you want any further info message me.

I would love to see photos of these. Would you care to post some?

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