World War Two in 1:32 (1 Viewer)

Plastic General

Dec 11, 2013
Come on HAT, you do everything else?
Could it really hurt to try just ONE set of 4 good poses,
filling a gap of something that is really needed??



Can it be done??????

The Plastic General
Can it be done?

Anything can be done.

Will it be done?

No it won't.

Hat's 1/32nd scale sets are either horse and musket or ancients, ie, sets that lend themselves to.....................wait.............................wait for it.......................multiple purchases.

WWII for the most part does not.

So there you go.
WWII Collectors don't buy multiple poses??
Oh, so we only want ONE German sharp shooter?
THAT is one of the dumbest things I've EVER heard ANYONE say about WWII figure collecting.
Unfortunately, we'll never know, because HAT has never done WWII in 1:32.
I'm willing to speculate that mediocre, undersized sculpting and redundant poses have prevented HAT from reaching its full potential,
resulting in reluctant and unimaginative choices?

The Plastic General
I have only started looking at plastics again because a good friend on the Forum talks endlessly about them. I have just started reading the plastic threads but my knowledge is so limited that I cannot really participate. I have noticed that the collectors appear a small, rather friendly group who are quite creative. I have no wish to pick an argument but you started this thread over a week ago and got only one reply and you described it as the dumbest post you'd ever read in the context of the discussion. I have never engaged with Warrior on the Forum - he may worship the Devil for all I know - but his reputation among Brisbane collectors (or at least in my group) is that his knowledge of the hobby is second to none. That does not make him right, but to describe his input in that manner does not encourage someone like me to participate and learn as I go.
If a brand has not made WW2 it does not appear likely they would suddenly produce artillery sets.

For the benefit of forum members Jack often calls me None {sm4}.
If you read in order of posting, it was HIS "cynical and dismissive attitude" that was launched first.

Plastic General

I think you may have meant to respond to my post rather than Brett's. Either way the thread has ground to a halt. I will leave you and Warrior to it and make myself scarce. I will head back to the King and Country section. Never any arguments there!{sm4}
WWII Collectors don't buy multiple poses??
Oh, so we only want ONE German sharp shooter?
THAT is one of the dumbest things I've EVER heard ANYONE say about WWII figure collecting.
Unfortunately, we'll never know, because HAT has never done WWII in 1:32.
I'm willing to speculate that mediocre, undersized sculpting and redundant poses have prevented HAT from reaching its full potential,
resulting in reluctant and unimaginative choices?

The Plastic General

Horse and Musket collectors make firing lines; you know, multiples of standing firing, kneeling firing, loading poses in a line. Marching/advancing is the same thing, you also need multiple command sets of officers, drummers and standard bearers.

WWII does not lend itself to this, you don't need multiples of the same pose.

SO NO, WWII collectors do not buy multiples of the same pose.

Multiple snipers; so you're going to do a squad of snipers then are you?

Snipers and spotters work in teams, there aren't 50 of them on a battlefield.

And your comments regarding my posts are rude and ignorant, I wasn't rude and ignorant towards you, you need to learn to play well with others if you're going to be a member here.

I've been a dealer for 18 years and a collector for 45 years, I speak to a lot of collectors/customers, I think I have a pretty good idea of what they want and what will or will not sell.
Horse and Musket collectors make firing lines; you know, multiples of standing firing, kneeling firing, loading poses in a line. Marching/advancing is the same thing, you also need multiple command sets of officers, drummers and standard bearers.

WWII does not lend itself to this, you don't need multiples of the same pose.

SO NO, WWII collectors do not buy multiples of the same pose.

Multiple snipers; so you're going to do a squad of snipers then are you?

Snipers and spotters work in teams, there aren't 50 of them on a battlefield.

And your comments regarding my posts are rude and ignorant, I wasn't rude and ignorant towards you, you need to learn to play well with others if you're going to be a member here.

I've been a dealer for 18 years and a collector for 45 years, I speak to a lot of collectors/customers, I think I have a pretty good idea of what they want and what will or will not sell.

WWII does lend itself to multiples, OK 3 or 4, but you cant tell me that it doesn't sell. You were rude and cynical with me first, perhaps its been because you have been a collector and dealer for TOO LONG and it has made your opinions a little CRUSTY?
I would rather Hat just stick to what they are good at.....Horse & Musket and Ancients {Punic Wars}.
There have been countless makers that have done WW2 over the years..the back catalogue of all those makers should give you endless poses
Plus conversions if thats your thing!...and you have CTS which only just came out with some WW2 this year.
Just think the only Napoleonic set that came out in 2013 was ACTA British the WW2 guys have had a much better year!
WWII does lend itself to multiples, OK 3 or 4, but you cant tell me that it doesn't sell. You were rude and cynical with me first, perhaps its been because you have been a collector and dealer for TOO LONG and it has made your opinions a little CRUSTY?

Or perhaps, just perhaps, it has made his opinions well founded and educated, based on the probabilty that George has more face to face contact with collectors, dealers and manufacturers than pretty much anyone else in the business.
Just a thought.:rolleyes2:
"You were rude and cynical with me first" - I didn't read it in any way like that. Quite a number of your posts have this tone to them, you seem to take offense very easily.

On the topic, it was great to see CTS bring out their German artillery crew. They fit in quite well with the TSSD figs which I think are the best on the market these days. There seems to be a remarkable absence of actual artillery pieces though. I guess this points to the issue of cost and market. There are heaps of very cheap sets but doing a quality item, that will satisfy most of us, is a risk. I have a small bucket of figues and accessories in front of me. It cost $10. Few parents will then be interested in spending the same (or more likely more) on a single cannon. So, in my view, there is a problem in selling enough to make the venture safe. There are a very limited number of people like us.
WWII does lend itself to multiples, OK 3 or 4, but you cant tell me that it doesn't sell. You were rude and cynical with me first, perhaps its been because you have been a collector and dealer for TOO LONG and it has made your opinions a little CRUSTY?

World War II does sell, it sells very well. Multiples for the most part do not sell for WWII, you don't need hundreds and hundreds of WWII figures to stage a battle, whereas for Ancients and Horse and Musket, you do.

And no, I haven't been a dealer for too long; it was a childhood dream of mine to own a toy soldier store, I own a virtual one and have since 1997.

My only regret is I didn't do it sooner, so in my opinion, I haven't been at it long enough.

And I love collecting, my passion for it is stronger now than it's ever been. As I said in another thread, I have over 20,000 ACW, Napoleonic and WWII figures in my collection and I haven't been at it too long either, only about 45 years or so, hope to collect for another 45.

Nothing crusty about me at all, I shave and shower daily, but thanks for your concern.
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Or perhaps, just perhaps, it has made his opinions well founded and educated, based on the probabilty that George has more face to face contact with collectors, dealers and manufacturers than pretty much anyone else in the business.
Just a thought.:rolleyes2:

I like your explanation about my lack of crustiness better than mine..........:wink2:
In all honesty, I don't want to fight with you guys.
It IS fun to debate about the future of toy soldiers and our hobby,
but where we ALL probably have to be careful is how are we are wording our rebuttals.
Perhaps they sound too harsh in print, but if said would not sound so confrontational.
On that note, "ATTACK"

The Plastic General
This is my first post to this forum (though some of you may know me from other forums), I've basically been a lurker for some years here. I hope I can help here on the issue of HaT ever getting into WWII and/or 1/32 scale WWII. I believe it is highly unlikely that HaT will ever get too involved in WWII except for peripheral type sets and I am sad to say I doubt we'll be seeing any new 1/32 scale offerings for some time.

When the guys at HaT first started it was their stated goal to produce sets they always wanted to play with but no one ever produced. Their first sets, Zouaves, Mamelukes and such reflected that goal. But as they've grown in output and size they've pretty much covered several eras in 1/72 scale. Up till now they've stated several times they really have no desire to get into WWII as it has pretty well been covered (not necessarily my opinion, just quoting) - though they've dipped their fingers into some more exotic sets such as WWII Polish, Rumanians and the like, not to mention some artillery sets no one else is likely to make. But, as they are fond of saying, "The Magic 8 Ball says anything is possible..."

As far as poses are concerned, I've come to the conclusion HaT has decided it is more profitable to cater to wargamers and designs their sets to meet the needs of a gamer, providing the basic poses required of most rules sets.

As far as 1/32 is concerned HaT stuck its toe in the water from the beginning then got into producing what I considered to be an excellent series of 1/32 scale Napoleonics. The problem was (and I've heard this from a few dealers) the figures didn't move that well in the States because the subjects were too obscure for most American collectors. The last I heard (from the horse's mouth, so to speak), they were getting out of 1/32 for the foreseeable future. Shame, IMHO as I believe if they would have done a couple ACW or even ARW sets or even some Napoleonic Brits to fight their French sets they might have done better. Again, JMO. But again, there is always the possibility, though slight, they might take a chance again. But I think it would require a great deal of vocal demand on the part of its customers to get them to change their mind. It has worked before.

I know this is a long first post but hope it helps clarify the issue.

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