Could you explain better what troops you are looking for (french,british,russsain,prussain ect. ect.)and what you are planning to do with them. Do they have to be painted,unpainted,gloss,matt????
There are many casting companies that make very detailed figures but most are not that cheap and come unpainted but I have seen sitting drinking and talking figures, sleeping figures,figures with civillians,wounded ect.
Heres a link that has some unpainted castings kits. You can find these figures cheaper if you search around and check places like ebay or do a google search but this site has figures from many different companies and will give you an idea of whats out there.
There are some wounded figures in painted metal by companies like frontline,mulberry and britains and there are more that will be coming out soon. I don,t know quite what your looking for but did you see the new patroit figures that are coming out soon, they have a great figure that is croaching down.
I,m sure there are more figures in gloss also but i,m not really into gloss figures so i,m not familair with whats out in gloss stuff.
I hope this is of some help to you.
If all else fails you can always try and convert and paint some plastic figures.