WS98 - The Uncut Version (1 Viewer)

Brilliant work, so far, Simon! :cool::cool: Can't wait to see the paintjob . . . I am really impressed by you talented guys!!:D:p
Thanks Louis. It's nice butchering the odd piece here and there. Paint might be a few days away yet.
I s'pose I could do it in lots of red....:D
Simon you are not only brave but very talented.Absolutely fascinating seeing how you did all this.Thanks for taking the time to post all this and i can't wait to see the end result.

Very interesting to read, I do not own a polystone tank (or similar) myself. As a matter of interest, out of how many parts do such kits exist - not counting the added on bits and pieces???

My apologies, I missed this post first time around. The polystone vehicles put out by the likes of K&C, Honour Bound etc, tend to be just two mouldings, the chasis / hull and the turret. Some other parts are added in metal, such as turret hatches, bedrolls, jerry cans and so on, so not a kit as such, rather the piece is bought ready for display straight out of the box. Unless of course, you want to carve it up :).

Finished the paint work and detailing, which consisted of priming, pre-shading, painting, pin washes, various dry brushing and detailing.
Sorry, couldn't get in to taking pics as I was going along, it would have involved tears, air brushes, paint and cameras, which I'm guessing don't mix that well together.





Apologies to Alex, I would have liked to do have done something different with the flag, just to vary it slightly, but couldn't think of anything else to do, so a blatent copy I'm afraid. Thanks for the tips and info re this little project Alex, made life a bit easier.

With a few of the troops:


Hopefully appearing in a dio near you soon!:D
Got another bare tank coming across the Pond for a re-working / re-patrioting. Any guesses? :rolleyes:

Finished the paint work and detailing, which consisted of priming, pre-shading, painting, pin washes, various dry brushing and detailing.
Sorry, couldn't get in to taking pics as I was going along, it would have involved tears, air brushes, paint and cameras, which I'm guessing don't mix that well together.







It's amazing what you can do with a touch of green paint!

Interesting thread and a very nice finish.

Wow , nicely finished:cool::cool: I'm 'green' with envy:D

That's nearly as bad as one of mine! :D
RH, KV, cheers for your comments. It just inspires me to go and trash other perfectly servicable K&C vehicles. ;)
Me too!
The Dalek part went well also. Speaking of Daleks the Dr. Who of the David Tarrant persuasion ROCKS!

This T-34 has a tendancy to use a PA system to repeatedly call out "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!", but has a tendancy to be foiled by carefully positioned stairs or Wehrmacht troops armed with Panzersonicscrewdriverfausts.
Wow and double wow! No apologies needed I was expecting you to paint a flag on there because it looks cool and gives it a little more color.

Thanks for the Great Step by Step Post! Who knew how all those items

were attached to the vehicles......besides you and Alex!

Your paint work and detail work is terrific!

I have two questions.......what are water pump plyers?

And what type of primer did you use?
Wow and double wow! No apologies needed I was expecting you to paint a flag on there because it looks cool and gives it a little more color.

It does brighten it up a bit doesn't it? Besides, red is the new green for this season. Which is fortunate, as I've got gallons of the former and 3ml of the latter. :D

Thanks for the Great Step by Step Post! Who knew how all those items

were attached to the vehicles......besides you and Alex!

Your paint work and detail work is terrific!

I have two questions.......what are water pump plyers?

And what type of primer did you use?

Cheers John, it was fun doing it, and now I've got some more spare bits to chuck in another Humvee I'm starting :)

Water pump pliers are these below, don't know what they're referred to in the US:

Re the primer, I use grey auto primer.



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Simon: got me again! Here we call them chanel lock pliers.

You had me all fired up......I put my pants on, jacket and tie :)pyeah right)

and was heading out to Sears. I had some vision of a delicate new plier with

some kind of water expansion chamber for delicate work:eek::D I had to get

me a couple of those......maybe an angle head version for tight spots, what

true toolman doesn't look for any excuse to race over to Sears to their

"Craftman Guaranteed For Life Tool Department"?:D:D

What an emotional let down:eek::D:)

I'm going to go take a nap!:D:D

I don't do 'delicate' and 'tools'.
If it can't be fixed with a 4lb club hammer and a brick bolster, it ain't worth fixing. ;)
No doubt.....especially when you consider the pliers you used to gently pry

the hatch off the tank!:eek::D:)

But its not the tool, its the hands of the man using them, and you certainly

did an excellent job on that model!

Okay I'll find another excuse to head over to Sears where I am on a first

name basis with everyone in the "Tool Department"!:D:D

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