WW1 for 2015 Gallipoli? Maybe, just maybe...... (1 Viewer)


Dec 2, 2007
I have just arrived back from the War & Peace Show down the road and I met Malcolm from Bachmann, our UK distributor, and having met him I feel in we are in much safer hands than I first thought when all these changes happened. He seems a top bloke that has passion for the product.

I also met the living historian attached to WB, Ian, and I did mention the word Gallipoli, as I always do when a WB rep is within earshot. Ian was the model for limited edition Vickers Gun on the move set from the current 1916 range! The response was "watch this space". Very encouraging. It seems that the nearer we get to the 100th anniversary the more likely it is that we will see figures that can be used for either the Gallipoli, Palestine or Mesopotamia campaigns. The RND were also mentioned. I was so excited a little bit of wee popped out.

That last bit didn't really happen.
I have just arrived back from the War & Peace Show down the road and I met Malcolm from Bachmann, our UK distributor, and having met him I feel in we are in much safer hands than I first thought when all these changes happened. He seems a top bloke that has passion for the product.

I also met the living historian attached to WB, Ian, and I did mention the word Gallipoli, as I always do when a WB rep is within earshot. Ian was the model for limited edition Vickers Gun on the move set from the current 1916 range! The response was "watch this space". Very encouraging. It seems that the nearer we get to the 100th anniversary the more likely it is that we will see figures that can be used for either the Gallipoli, Palestine or Mesopotamia campaigns. The RND were also mentioned. I was so excited a little bit of wee popped out.

That last bit didn't really happen.

Sounds good to me Down Under {sm4} Keep up the pressure on the home front.
Good news, hard to believe it's nearly 100 years, I was lucky to have the opportunity to have those talks with my Grandfather about that battle.
Good news, hard to believe it's nearly 100 years, I was lucky to have the opportunity to have those talks with my Grandfather about that battle.

Was he there OzDigger? I plan to do a tour of the place within the next 2 years.
Was he there OzDigger? I plan to do a tour of the place within the next 2 years.

Yes mate, he was with the 12th Australian Light Horse and was a marksman (sniper) on Gallipoli, sometimes with a spotter but more often by himself. When he returned to Egypt he was asked to join the Australian Light Horse Provost Corps who were after men with front line experience as the Aussie troops used to give MP's that hadn't fought a hard time. However from what I've read most Aussie troops gave anyone in authority a hard time, so I'm not sure how effective the new 'hiring' policy was.

I hope to make it to Gallipoli one day, but I'm a bit worried they won't let me back in to Australia, like Rolf Harris :wink2:
You must be v.proud of him Oz.

Talking of being let in to Australia, when I landed at Perth I remember the customs guy asking if I had a criminal record and I told him I didn't think you still needed one!

The old one's are the best!
You must be v.proud of him Oz.

Talking of being let in to Australia, when I landed at Perth I remember the customs guy asking if I had a criminal record and I told him I didn't think you still needed one!

The old one's are the best!

Very proud indeed thanks mate.

An old joke for sure, to which there are several suitable retorts, but none suitable for this forum :wink2:

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