WW2 Marines - Pacific (1 Viewer)


Dec 11, 2006
Can anybody give me some info on when Conte is coming out with their WW2 early Pacific theater figures" I've been reading that on their website FAQs since 2006. It's about time that one of the top manufaturers does something other than ETO WW2 sets and figures. Somebody please give me some good news on this subject..
Sorry, no inside info, but I haven't heard a sniff about this for ages, and RC is well known for announcing new and up & coming lines well in advance of their release.....so may be some time. :(

I wish I knew too...I've been waiting on these since first ready about them on Conte's FAQ's many moons ago. I hope they do eventually appear. I'm certain they will be worth wait, even if the wait might be excruciating. But it really sounds like RC intends to produce an extensive and elaborate line of WW2 Marines, and that's something to look forward to...anybody have any other tidbit of news on the subject???
I asked RC about this at the last show in Chicago and he just beat around the bush on the subject until somebody interupted our conversation and he left me standing there, unanswered. Maybe that was his answer.
I think RC actually means well. He's a toy soldier enthusiast and really wants to do a large number of projects, however when it comes time to get molds cut there's only so much money available. My information is that most, if not all, of the Chinese factories want their money up front.

Just don't hold your breath waiting for any products until you see them on a shelf! I asked about getting the BOSS figures in plastic and one employee told me "no way" but RC wants to do them in plastic (or resin). When I see them out I will get excited, until then I can make do with Airfix Multipose figures.

Some milleniums in advance..........

Well, maybe they will be planed for the 100th Anniversary of the war in the Pacific, ala Marx Centennial Civil War figures. That's only 33 more years. Some of us will make it.
Ok, I am a Britains person but I also wish that some companies start production on some sets in the Pacific including Conte and Britains.:D
I also think this may take a while because King and Country miniatures has WWII dominance and other companies don't want to make more WWII sets because their products may not sell as much as if WWII wasn't so popular and wasn't the focus of all of the manufactures.
I've heard nothing about any Pacific stuff from Conte but the TSSD Japanese are very good - these came out last year from memory. A little less detailed are the Marx Japanese - there are some great poses - more variety and some quite 3d if that makes any sense. These work very well with the Airfix in my opinion.

Hopefully though with the HBO 'Pacific' series coming up, there will be some releases to capitalise on the interest it will generate.

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