Thanks for the input on new sets and poses. I agree with your observations and keeping your head down in combat is a good rule of thumb. These poses are overlooked or under represented as they are slow sellers. With that stated they are also important additions to vignettes, so they will be included here and there.
I just came back from the new home of W. Britain, Peosta Iwoa where we finished up the 2007 first half catalog. There will be 8 Commonwealth infantry good for Normandy or late Italian campaigns. There are also 8 new Germans including a pair of Luftwaffe Feld Division that can be used with ONWTC and W. Britain Fallschirmjagers. You could use these for Italy also as some temperate climate clothing was used here mixed with the tropical items.
After the first of the year ONWTC will post some images of the new figures coming in 2007. There will probably be some surprises to some of you, Ken Osen/Hudson & Allen Studio/ONWTC