WWI - "Somme" New Arrivals (1 Viewer)


Feb 12, 2008
Yesterday afternoon, some new WB figures were delivered to my door, both ACW and WWI. Thought I would share some photos of the new WWI sets. The sets I received were #23045 "When Nature Calls" 2-figure limited edition set of 400, 23051 "Cup of Tea", and #23052 "Awaiting Treatment", 2-figure lilmited edition set of 400. I also renewed my WB Collector's Club membership for 2014 today . . . I picked the British Infantry carrying a Lewis Gun as my club premium and I also orderd the 2013 Collector's Club figure #50039C "1916 British Infantry Marching" which only a few remain in inventory. Enjoy . . . . .
:smile2: Mike

Lower right hand corner of photo is set #23045, 2 Tommies using the latrine, and #23051, British infantry man with cup of tea.

Inside the Aid Station, set #23052, 2 wounded soldiers await treatment, one standing leaning on post, one sitting in chair

Far right of photo #23051, a soldier walking with a cup of tea.

Another photo of the latrine giving some much needed relief I am sure :wink2:

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Looks like Your Christmas presents came early from Santa.^&grin Hope You post Your ACW figures and dio. Keep up the great work and keep posting. {bravo}}
Congratulations Mike...........your set up looks great! WB has done an outstanding job with their WW1 range. It will be nice to see what's in store for 2014.

Like the trench system, sets off the figures so well. Lots of scope for different dio's depending on how the troops are set out, nice. Robin.
Mike, please stop this. I might want to get into ww1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please stop! :) No seriously. this looks great!

Thanks to all . . . . your "Likes" are very appreciated

Looks like Your Christmas presents came early from Santa.^&grin Hope You post Your ACW figures and dio. Keep up the great work and keep posting. {bravo}}

I will try to work in some ACW photos.

Congratulations Mike...........your set up looks great! WB has done an outstanding job with their WW1 range. It will be nice to see what's in store for 2014.


Thanks Mark . . . . My interest in WWI comes from my famiy's participation in the "War to end all Wars"

Like the trench system, sets off the figures so well. Lots of scope for different dio's depending on how the troops are set out, nice. Robin.

Thanks Robin . . . I concur with your thoughts

Mike, please stop this. I might want to get into ww1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please stop! :) No seriously. this looks great!


Thanks Brad . . . See, ACW is not all that interests me . . .

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