Xmas Special 2018. Guards Carolers (3 Viewers)

Those came out beautifully, John! As all of your figures do, of course!

What is the story with the cap bands? Are the singers from each of the Guards regiments?


Hi Brad - glad you like 'em too.

Now then - those caps. I know very little about these at all - and can't find much on the Internet either.

I do know that during the 1800's, many Military organisations in both Europe and North America, ( see for example the Canadian Mounties), adopted forms of so-called "forage caps" for use when men went foraging for food for their own or Officer's horses - so, hence the name. Such caps were lighter and far more comfortable than the often ornate regulation dress helmets or shakos. Because of their shape, many of these types of forage caps were dubbed "pillbox caps" - whilst some of the others had small peaks - and these were just called Forage Caps.

The figures you see in my versions are wearing such caps of both types.

I also understand that the "wrapper" or band around such caps could signify Regiments - though I don't know for sure exactly what the ones in mine signify - as I cannot find that out ( and I did look). So I took the only painting action I could, and copied the picture that came with my figures - which is the illustration given, and you can see in an earlier page of this thread.

I have assumed that these mid-Victorian figures are from both of the English Guards Regiments: (Coldstream and Grenadier), and the Scots Guards ( though I don't know for certain - as I have been unable to find out).

However, modern day caps for Coldstream Guards have a white band with badge - and Grenadier Guards have a red band with grenade badge - so I'm assuming the pillbox type hats were similar in make-up. The chequered style I'm assuming is for the Scots Guards.

[ As and aside - The Irish Guards were formed in 1900 and the Welsh Guards in 1915 - so neither would have appeared in Victorian scenes like this. Queen Victoria having died in January 1901]

So..... for these reasons, I'm assuming there to be two Grenadiers ( one singing and one holding the lantern in red-banded Pillbox caps ), two Coldstream Guards ( both singing - white-banded pillbox caps) and two Scots Guards singing in the chequered banded pill-box caps. The Officer conducting is wearing the Gold banded Forage cap.( with gold encrusted peak).

Hope that helps a bit Brad. Any further advice by anyone on the subject of Pillbox or Forage caps, would be most appreciated - jb

[ p.s. These recasts of some Roy Dilley original figures are once again - a limited edition - until Xmas Eve 2018. If anyone fancies purchasing them - as either castings - or painted - they had better get their skates on - as they will be retired from the Replica portfolio thereafter ].
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Thanks, John! I had the same thought, that the bands varied by regiment (diced or checked for the Scots Guards-we think alike!) So it does sound like the group is made up of singers from each of the (extant) Guards regiments. From the photos of Roy Dilley's original set, I couldn't see any note on the box to clarify. Whatever we may find, it's a very attractive set you have there!

Prost, and a Merry Christmas!
Thanks, John! I had the same thought, that the bands varied by regiment (diced or checked for the Scots Guards-we think alike!) So it does sound like the group is made up of singers from each of the (extant) Guards regiments. From the photos of Roy Dilley's original set, I couldn't see any note on the box to clarify. Whatever we may find, it's a very attractive set you have there!

Prost, and a Merry Christmas!

Hi Brad, looks like my deductions made sense to you - and I do agree, it's a very attractive set indeed. I have suggested to Andrew, that he maybe gives some thought to a complementary small band which could be made to go alongside this small choir - as perhaps a future Xmas add-on set. He is giving it some thought.

Note that as mine came as castings - there wasn't a box ( that only comes with a painted set ). I think that Andrew would likely send instructions or the picture to anyone who asked for it - though he knew that I already had the picture anyway, from his web-site.


Hope you and yours also have a very merry Xmas, Brad - and Santa is kind to you too. jb
Would also love a small band to go with these beautiful figures!

Would also love a small band to go with these beautiful figures!


I have mentioned my idea to Andrew - who agrees that it could be a possibility for some future set.

I'm pretty confident that it could happen. :cool: jb

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