your most favorite xmas present (2 Viewers)

Two things come to mind most - an electric football game (the kind that vibrated - I played hundreds of hours with that thing - kept stats and all) and a pool table (lots of fun with friends over the years).
My friends and I collected Matchbox and Corgi Junior military vehicles as well as Matchbox Battle Kings, Sea Kings and Skybusters.

We would have massive battles in my mate's front lawn with probably 50 military vehicles of all description and about 20 aircraft accompanied by literally hundreds of Airfix 1/72nd and Matchbox 1/76nd scale soldiers.

My best ever Christmas present was this Corgi Juniors Military Gift Set that I managed to find a pic of:
Pump air rifle, Lionel train and Marx playsets through several years and a set of Britain's ski troops. My son and I have the vibrating football game and still get it out sometimes. His favorite is the GI Joe and Johnny West figures which are still stored at MY house instead of his place. Leadmen
A tough question to answer.. but I'd have to say My Deluxe Reading Battlewagon. The following photo shows me a few days after Christmas with my Battlewagon and our new dog we got that year. I ended up liking Battlewagon much better than the dog!


My other favorite Christmas gifts would have to be any of the number of Marx Playsets I got through the years.

Happy Christmas to all!

Jim electric football game (the kind that vibrated - I played hundreds of hours with that thing - kept stats and all) ....

Yes, electric football was great! My brother had the set, in our house, and it was the Cowboys vs the Eagles every time. Remember the little spring arm for the quaterback, and the kicker, and the little foam footballs? And the little disk mechanism under the bases, that was supposed to allow you to run plays. But we always found that after lurching in the general direction you set, pretty much both teams wound up just sort of vibrating around in circles.

I remember a reference to classic electronic football, in a "Simpsons" episode, where Homer became coach of Bart's pee-wee football team. In the climactic final play of the Big Game, the kids ask Homer which play he'll call, and he says, "Wait-I'm still working it out!" Cut to a shot of electric football on the ground behind the bench.

Then Homer says, "Okay-you two-slide right, Nelson-you spin around in a circle, the rest of you-fall over!" Perfect!

I spent hours trying to get those guys to go straight. A buddy of mine had a set that just had fixed bases - I was quite jealous.

I remember getting a book on 'football formations' from the school library and setting the guys up in the 'proper' formations (bith offense and defense).

The game was awesome until my brother stepped on the 'field', causing a big dent in one endzone. It still worked, but it was a lot easier going TOWARD the dent...
Table-top hockey worked a lot better. My best friend Jeff had that. The puck was a ball bearing set in a plastic ring, and you could drop it for the face-off, from the scoreboard, which was mounted over the ice. And the players were attached to rods that extended out the back of the set, behind each goal. You could slide them all forward and back, in their designated textbook areas, and they spun, too, so you could pass and receive. Lots of fun!
Some more favorites were Marx Big Rail train set, military games like tank battle, carrier strike, stratego and I don't remember what they were called but they were sports games where you hit the figure(a little bigger than GI Joe) on the head and there was basketball, football, hockey and baseball games. One you kicked the football through a goal post, another pitched the ball to the other player who hit his figure to swing or the basketball one you throw freethrows. Never had the hockey one.
I also enjoyed getting this remote control vehicle, that had this nerf gun on the back!


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