Zulu Sunset! (1 Viewer)

Play day?...very good.

I wish!! Chained to the desk with three very major projects on the go at once. Always time for some TS action - particularly given that my father did this one completely without me. I did buy the figures though!
That's a figure rarely displayed, good to see, one of the only figures I decided against buying. Robin.
Thank you for the comments and the likes. Although a different setting from this one, over the next 12 months I am planning on slowly gearing up for a full Rorke's Drift diorama.
Kudos to you and Pere Jacques. How did he get the sun effect as the background seems to be the same?

Kudos to you and Pere Jacques. How did he get the sun effect as the background seems to be the same?



Paint Shop Pro - Version 5 I think. You just push the button for 'sunset'. We did a WW1 trench dio at night with a flare illuminating the scene. It was just another button. Neither of us have any pretentions when it comes to computers so I can assure you it was pretty straightforward!

I've never been able to figure out those things and my compliments to those like you and Frank who can :redface2:

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