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thanks for the message...I collected the Vikings/Saxons and Normans...if you can be specific on pieces you are interested...I can send you prices...feel free to call...it might be easier for both of us...409-465-1932...the email message I responded to from Treefrog...my reply was undeliverable...just call me...
Michael Miller
Hello Norman, I have been posting images of some Britains Ltd. soldiers I have on this forum for identification but haven't had much luck. It was suggested I Private message you about them. If you are willing to look at what I have I can post images here or through regular email. My email is tomandmebarnatt@gmail.com if you want to respond to that instead. Thanks so much for your time, Tom
Good Detail, good painting skills, competence, simply DO NOT match, describe fit or belong with or "in" the frightful situation we find described elsewhere over some years, and found in our own cargo shippment experience from him. What means?
The Major
The Major
Below Photos Ducal painted figures by the "late" (or at least "dissappeared"* Abram Simon formerly of F B TS New Zealand. Skill levels do NOT fit or belong with the general situation described or experienced. it raises serious questions with us about just WHAT really happenned.
The Major
The Major
Was Abram REALLY "ill" or did someone over in N Z do something wrong or bad?
The Major
The Major
Then very clearly, this "sale" from Fleur Baix Toy Soldiers to us has been wrong from the very beginning. Coupled up as it is with a host of other irregularities and discrepancies....I tell you no word of a lie John; IF I find Abram is still alive and ran off someplace, when weve finished ourLawyer with him, the guy is going to wish he had never been born
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We find it therefore "strange" why or How, considering his manifest skill and ability, "competence" that his N Z Business found itself in such a chaotic Mess, and needed a year and half to sort out into proper order when delivered to us. The Skill and Ability demonstrated here in his own work DENIES such , such failure. Therefore something (or someone) clearly is out of joint about this affair.