A Tree Mould filled solidly with a failedsticky white plastic type failed casting, impossible to separate or remove (half of a big sized moud ruined though might be bale to cast farm animals from it*
Though i must say that the vast majority of the Mould toolings we recieved here, were generaly in good condition, there have been a number of nasty surprises which take some creative excuses and explanations (you know lying) to explain. Heres a few examples of the ultimate toy soldier maker "sadness" .....
Our Launch continues to gain momentum. Some setbacks over Machinery parts (someone stole them !!) have now been overcome this week, and casting from ten Inch Moulds has began. Seven Inch Moulds, including the NEW Ducal figures, re issued, will start around Mid October time.
Busy casting Metal figures and Kits in the workshop. We are working on our web site, which is run by Linux Ubuntu Server. The site will be "visible" to everyone online soon. News this week, I have made nine new WW2 figures to release.
Re CHOTA SAHIB and the ex Sarum Studio Figurine Ranges, We had a brand new second tooling set made before shipping and shutting the Plymouth shop. We are going to reissue the Chota Sahib and Studio range, though we now due to piracy by Simon England in FROME, , we give higher priority to our other brands instead at this time.
No , we used to own a Grade 2 Listed property there on the picturesque Catherine Hill. I used to supply Simon England of FROME Model Centre with our Chota Sahib and Studio Figurines. We purchased the lot, using a Bone Fide Solicitor and Witnessed legal agreement from Patrick J D Willis back before 2010.
All Our Re issued and brand new Web Site Catalogue Photos and Kits Packaging is Copyright Protect water marked. This has been undertaken following past "experiences" of Illegal Piracy products being sold in the UK. Copying our work is ILLEGAL and not permitted.
Polite Notice "Frome Model Centre" Somerset England is BANNED and officially BLACKLISTED from contacting us or from requesting orders following theft and Piracy of our products.
Please Address all TRADE or SUPPLY Hobby Figure and Kit enquiries to "STUDIO PARIS ART" 870, RUE DENIS PAPIN, 54710, LUDRES, NANCY, Grand Est, FRANCE
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