New Releases: Horch & Tiger (9 Viewers)

The Collectors Showcase

Staff Sergeant
Dec 4, 2006
I am very pleased to announce our latest releases:

Our incredible Horch command car at LAH review. This is a limited edition diorama set that includes our recently manufactured LAH command car featuring: Sepp Dietrich and Wilhelm Bittrich as well as driver.

Included in this release is a full suite of LAH review figures in field grey sometime after D-Day. The review set is complimented by our Dutch facade building set including SS sig rune flags and hackenkruez flag. Sepp and officers, flagbearer will be availabe in single packs and LAH troopers in sets of three. The building is available seperately in components. The Horch comes with driver and Bittrich ( Sepp available seperately ). The LAH review troops are available as singles and sets.

These are in manufacture and set to release in just over 6 weeks. This set is limited to 300 sets worlwide and I will be signing vehicles upon request ( after all I did sculpt everything!:eek:)

Arnhem was a complete success and we are just about sold out. Thank you everyone that has made our new release an incredible hit:D I hope you enjoy these new sets. Please let your dealers know of any pre-orders, our site will also have pre-order availability in just about a week.


The second half of this release is the TIGER I. We will offer a mid war variant with smooth roadwheels and a late war type with pressed steel roadwheels ( not pictured here ) In addition a winter variant will be offered with a winter crew. The scale is a robust 1/30th and fills the gap and scales correctly the TIGER for 60mm figures, in other words this one fits the figures! Decals will come in a water slip sheet with varying numbers ( yes Wittmans numbers to be present, after all its a Wittmann crew:D)

The catch with these is that the collector will have everything, exceptional Collectors Showcase quality and detail with all the variants covered with one low price!


Please Note: All of our vehicle models as well as figures are designed, modeled and output using 3D technology in Austin Texas. Any variation, use of, modification of is strictly forbidden. These original models are well documented through computer scale and topographical search software that are copyrighted and registered. Any infringement will be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by local law.
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Brian , fantastic !! Can you explain what comes packaged by itself , or what comes as a giant set ? I will be ordering this from Warrior very soon .
Hi CS,

These new releases are excellent, a wonderful surprise indeed!

I'm definitely interested in both, but the Tiger is a priority!

(after K&C and HB tiger, to purchase CS Tiger will complement my collection of Tiger!)

Some qustions -

1) When are the items to be released?

2) Any pricing info?

3) How many Tigers will be produced for each variant?

4) Any pics for the Tiger 1 other variants?

5) Shouldnt the Horch, have the SS LAH rune symbol? Dietrich is SS LAH commander after all. The symbol on your Horch is Ss Totenkopf.

I would like to congratulate CS again, it has come leaps and bounds in such a short time. The Arnhem series was great, but this is simply breathtaking.

I hereby pronounce that the "zombies" are officially dead.;)


Nasir Kasmani.
Hi CS,


I hereby pronounce that the "zombies" are officially dead...


Nasir Kasmani.

Agree with you, Nasir.

I may go for the LAH limited diorama. I guess the dealer in Montreal will have it and I will certainly take a good look at it.

Congratulations CS. Great work on those upcoming releases.

Congrats Brian to a job well done, these new items look superb. Can't wait to see the winter version of the Tiger.

Nas, you are spot on, the zombies as some have called them are dead, long life this new generation of CS...........;)
Regimental headquarters to corporal Steiner come in please ... Warrior (steinmetz) put me in for the Winter Tiger , command car & building facade .

I`m attacking -- I`m being attacked -- I`m counterattacking -- I need more ammunition -- don`t worry sir I know my duty --

Who was the Captain who stole the laurels of Lt. Meyer ( KIA ) ?
desert fox,

That Prussian officer you mention is Hauptmann Stransky, played by the excellent Maximilian Schell.

An excellent but very underrated movie, my 3 favourite lines in that movie was -

Colonel Brandt: Why did you ask to be relieved of duty in France?
Captain Stransky: I want to get the Iron Cross.
Colonel Brandt: [reaching into his pockets] We can give you one of mine. :)

Captain Stransky: All right. I'll do it. I'will show you how a Prussian officer fights.
Sargeant Steiner: And I will show you where the Iron Crosses grow. ;)

Unteroffizier Krüger: I stay dirty for a reason. If you've been in the field as long as I've been, you'd know why.
Sargeant Steiner: Explain.
Unteroffizier Krüger: Natural body oils, combined with dirt, can keep you
waterproof. :p

as for this dispatch series, i'm definitely aiming for the LAH building facade, the Horch (if correctly LAH symbols are applied), but Tigers are the main ones.

I know that Tigers are done repeatedly, but i like the different style of make -

KC has bright, almost cartoony colour and appeal.
HC has subdued, minimalistic tone to its Tiger.
CS (from the pic so far) shows gritty, realistic tone.

A superb rendition and example when you put them side by side.

But i need to see more pics before i decide.

Come on CS, show us the Tigers!!:D
WUNDERVAR! Are the figures in tghe Horsch removable?
Looks like K&C has been pre-empted on this one. Great looking figures.
WUNDERVAR! Are the figures in tghe Horsch removable?
Looks like K&C has been pre-empted on this one. Great looking figures.

I'm pretty sure the K & C just won't be the CS version as I wouldn't have SS in my collection nor would many others. Figures are a tad improved but still have a long way to go. They are dark and foreboding.
I'm pretty sure the K & C just won't be the CS version as I wouldn't have SS in my collection nor would many others. Figures are a tad improved but still have a long way to go. They are dark and foreboding.

Those waffen ss above though were the opposition at Arnhem, The British paratroopers have to fight someone:)
As the Horch is LAH it doesn't interest me.However the Tiger looks good and i like the idea of the Decal numbering system.I was very impressed yesterday with collectors showcase vehicles,i look forward to seeing this in the Flesh.

Forgive me , but I'm a bit confused by this issue, By LAH is reference being made to a style of range aka the nuremberg rally type figures , similarly seen in K&C range , or is reference and objection being made also to the Waffen SS Panzer Divisions that were also a part of LAH :confused::confused::confused:

To me the Horch depicted would fit in a battle command scene whereas other items in the 'LAH style range' would clearly not and be more parade type in nature.
Those waffen ss above though were the opposition at Arnhem, The British paratroopers have to fight someone:)

True. Think I'll wait for the K & C versions, however, as the figures will be infintely superior.

I'm sure at this point we'll be hearing from CS's alter ego, Old Tanker (or are they one and the same?):rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

the LAH mentioned is 1.SS LAH Division.

The skull logo on the Horch's signal flag indicates this vehicle belongs to 3.SS Totenkopf division, which in the entire war, fights in the eastern front.

I'll need more pics to decide, but am very interested in the Tiger.


the LAH mentioned is 1.SS LAH Division.

The skull logo on the Horch's signal flag indicates this vehicle belongs to 3.SS Totenkopf division, which in the entire war, fights in the eastern front.

I'll need more pics to decide, but am very interested in the Tiger.


The Totenkopf was an SS symbol, not just a 3rd SS Division. One need only look at Waffen SS officer caps:

True. Think I'll wait for the K & C versions, however, as the figures will be infintely superior.

I'm sure at this point we'll be hearing from CS's alter ego, Old Tanker (or are they one and the same?):rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Infinite is an awful big multiplier Brad :)

I quite like the new CS figures. The darker dirtier look appeals to me. Sometimes I find the K&C figures too bright. I like it that the various manufacturers have their own styles.

Desert Fox; DEMARCATION!!!! Nas, you are correct, Cross of Iron is a superb movie, came out the same year as A Bridge too Far. The Russian assault on the factory complex is one of my all time favorite war movie scenes. Despite all the other Eastern Front movies since, Cross of Iron is still the standard to which all others are measured, although Stalingrad 1992 version is superb as well.

Desert Fox, have you heard about the Russian Miniseries called Shtrafbat, it's about the penal colony Russian troops who were used as cannon fodder vs the Germans on the Eastern Front. It's on Amazon for 50.00; I read some reviews on it, and there is combat footage in it as expected, but it deals mostly with the actual characters and their lives. It's in Rusian with no subtitles, so that could be a problem.

The CS Tiger rocks, the figures look excellent to me, don't see any issues that others do.
Wow! As the competition gets stiffer the K & C cheerleaders get more critical of the competing companies. K & C makes great products and now, unless my eyes deceive me, Collectors Showcase makes some great products (my humble opinion of course.)

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