London June show Pics (4 Viewers)

Scarlet & Gold


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Still with ATS, two more showing the Fight around the guns and finally an old favourite, the crew of the Memphis Belle.

Yo Trooper:

Thanks for the pictures. Hey, is there a U.S. dealer that carries ATS as I really want that Memphis Belle Crew set or will this be a mail order item from the U.K.? Are the figures closer to 1:32 or 1:35? Many thanks. I have to have that set!!!

Tally Ho,
Gents I'm off to bed.

The Britfroggers will probably post shed loads of imagery tomorrow, especially Jeff - so that should be worth looking at.

Nice to meet Obee and his lady today at the show as well as all the other characters. There was talk on a number of subjects ranging from who has the longest pre-order list to the increasing quality of everyone's products. More probably tomorrow.

Nice weather in London today, the barmaid gets lovelier and the show seemed pretty well attended.

What did I get-

Figarti EFR-005 Forward (Russian Inf) - goes with the JS-2 and JS-152
Two Natal Carbineers - Britains Zulu War
Zulu Wounded Set 1 - Britains Zulu War
French 4th Lancer Corporal Charging Set #3 (Britains Naps)
JJD Gordon Highlanders GDH-01
K&C 93rd Flag Bearer and Piper
K&C 2 x 17th Lancers to increase the number in my charge

Best Figure
K&C 93rd Flag Bearer

Best Vehicle
Figarti JSU-152


....the barmaid gets lovelier.....

Can't say that I noticed mate.

Other than the fact that I've never visited the bar to buy drinks as often as I did today. She cost me a fortune.

Good to see you earlier. My heads recovering, although my wallet took a nose dive after the beer consumption - perhaps not the wisest ordr for doing this.....
The FL Highlanders are a thing of beauty, thanks for a great photo.

Some more of the same, but I'll chuck 'em up anyway.

K&C AE layout


Michel's Alma Figures (nice meeting you today Michel)




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Close ups of the EOD + back up sets - very Hurt Locker :cool:
These were available so, having the willpower of a wilting lettuce leaf, I caved :rolleyes:






Fantastic photo coverage Rob and UK BOD. I hope you guys had a blast! From what I've seen, Figarti had the most impressive presence/output at the show as well as the incredible looking TM Terrain buildings. Were the TM structures for sale, or were they just displays for FL? I really like TM's battle damaged scenes. If those buildings are available, I need to pick some up. And you gotta love the Figarti Matador. I'll be pre-ordering that from whoever gets their pre-order up first. Thanks again Rob and UK BOD for taking the time and effort to bring the show to us; it's much appreciated.:) I'm still saving every cent that I can for next year's Westcoaster.

Close ups of the EOD + back up sets - very Hurt Locker :cool:
These were available so, having the willpower of a wilting lettuce leaf, I caved :rolleyes:

LOL!! "....willpower of wilting lettuce....."

Don't feel bad Wraith! I'm turning into 3 day old, left out of the 'fridge wilting lettuce just looking at your pics alone! It would be impossible to turn these Figarti creations down, in my humble estimation, were they to be in the same room with me:eek:! I hope you enjoy them, they look great! Thanks for the pics, and I hope you had a memorable time.

Close ups of the EOD + back up sets - very Hurt Locker :cool:
These were available so, having the willpower of a wilting lettuce leaf, I caved :rolleyes:

LOL!! "....willpower of wilting lettuce....."

Don't feel bad Wraith! I'm turning into 3 day old, left out of the 'fridge wilting lettuce just looking at your pics alone! It would be impossible to turn these Figarti creations down, in my humble estimation, were they to be in the same room with me:eek:! I hope you enjoy them, they look great! Thanks for the pics, and I hope you had a memorable time.


:DCheers Joe, they are pretty cool pieces. I think Clive has got me pre-ordering my next years mortgage payments worth of stuff :eek:
And last lot before I retire to the pit.....





I know Jeff has got most of the show stitched up in his camera, so I'm sure more will be up tomorrow.

As for bar room antics, what goes on in the bar, stays in the bar. Unless anyone took photos, then we'll have to come up with a really good excuse.....

I picked up:
Figarti JSU152
Figarti Russian Infantry (set of 3)
3 x Figarti EOD sets
Figarti LVT 4
3 x K&C AE sets
2 x WS figure sets

Good meeting up with everyone as usual, and I believe there is photographic proof that I did actually order something at the bar. :)
Salute and sincere thanks to all you blokes for taking the time to take and post these fine photos (well the ones in focus:D) for us. It doesn't make up for not being there but it certainly helps.:cool: By the way Wraith mate, I love the tank reserved for you.;)
Great pics all thanks alot it means heaps to us blokes who "NEVER"get to go to shows,plus where is this figure from the German with the flag?


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