Mosquitoville (2 Viewers)

Louis mate,
If Lawrence is offering free food from the magificent restaurant of his, then I am afraid my mercanary air force will have to favour his side. I still have great memories of the 2010 NY Symposium and the night out in the best chinese restaurant in the Big Apple. Come to think of it that was a totally fantastic weekend right thru. I hope I thank you and boys for that but if I forgot "Many Aussie Thanks"
The Annual New York Symposium is recommended highly to all Aussie Treefroggers.
Plan your trip now boys for 2012 --- The West Coaster Show in LA, then a couple of days in beautiful San Antonio and then onto the NY Symposium.
Cheers Howard

Thats great Howard, but what do you really think about NFL football?

Keep it silly
Louis mate,
If Lawrence is offering free food from the magificent restaurant of his, then I am afraid my mercanary air force will have to favour his side. I still have great memories of the 2010 NY Symposium and the night out in the best chinese restaurant in the Big Apple. Come to think of it that was a totally fantastic weekend right thru. I hope I thank you and boys for that but if I forgot "Many Aussie Thanks"
The Annual New York Symposium is recommended highly to all Aussie Treefroggers.
Plan your trip now boys for 2012 --- The West Coaster Show in LA, then a couple of days in beautiful San Antonio and then onto the NY Symposium.
Cheers Howard

I know a certain mercenary whose character is being deleted from a certain novel . . .:tongue: ^&grin{sm4} Just kidding, Cobber!
Thats great Howard, but what do you really think about NFL football?

Keep it silly

Chris mate,
Great to hear from you. Now you don't want expressing my opionions on this Forum of that shielas game you call football do you?^&grin^&grin
You need to check out a great game like Aussie Rules Football or World Rugby Union. Man against man, no body armour and helmets against each other. I better stop there cobber or I'll have half the US Forum down on my back including my good mate young Tom Dubel who couldn't take his eyes off the TV screen at the West Coaster show to watch College Football.:smile2::smile2:
I'll give you one point in the NFL favour and that is the Cheer leaders look pretty good.^&grin
Cheers Howard
I know a certain mercenary whose character is being deleted from a certain novel . . .:tongue: ^&grin{sm4} Just kidding, Cobber!

Louis mate,
I have just swapped sides. Getting dumped from your great novel would push me away from Lawrence's Dark Side. You win cobber.^&grin
Cheers Howard
:wink2: His Mentat helped, too.^&grin -- Al

Are you talking about Rev. Pete? Undergraduate degree in Mathematical Methods for the Social Sciences (and Psychology) from THE Northwestern University {eek3}:tongue:^&grin You would make Machiavelli proud of you ^&grin
Chris mate,
Great to hear from you. Now you don't want expressing my opionions on this Forum of that shielas game you call football do you?^&grin^&grin
You need to check out a great game like Aussie Rules Football or World Rugby Union. Man against man, no body armour and helmets against each other. I better stop there cobber or I'll have half the US Forum down on my back including my good mate young Tom Dubel who couldn't take his eyes off the TV screen at the West Coaster show to watch College Football.:smile2::smile2:
I'll give you one point in the NFL favour and that is the Cheer leaders look pretty good.^&grin
Cheers Howard

Tom only watches football for the Cheerleaders :tongue: Ask him about the Frontline figures he bought at the Chicago show a couple of years ago ^&grin They were quite a pair - :wink2: I think Tom just joined the Dark Side {sm2}
Louis mate,
I have just swapped sides. Getting dumped from your great novel would push me away from Lawrence's Dark Side. You win cobber.^&grin
Cheers Howard

How quickly they turn. Didn't think it was so easy to appeal to your vanity :tongue: And for the record - Louis is the Dark Side {eek3} By the way, will a case or five of Tsingtao help you to see the light? ^&grin^&grin
How quickly they turn. Didn't think it was so easy to appeal to your vanity :tongue: And for the record - Louis is the Dark Side {eek3} By the way, will a case or five of Tsingtao help you to see the light? ^&grin^&grin

Lawrence mate,
Tsingtao, Tsingtao and more Tsingtao.^&grin^&grin I love that Beer. I have seen the light cobber. You win. I surrender. :smile2::smile2:
Cheers Howard
Lawrence mate,
Tsingtao, Tsingtao and more Tsingtao.^&grin^&grin I love that Beer. I have seen the light cobber. You win. I surrender. :smile2::smile2:
Cheers Howard

Good decision Howard-the force must have been with you during such a trying time. My Allied & Axis warbirds are joining forces & will proudly fly high cover for the "Lo Squadron" shortly (photos coming soon once they clear the sensor) to do battle against Darth Badolato and his Sith Lord Camerman Jazzeum!

Beaufighter & sometimes Marc

Great to see you joining the fray, and looking forward to seeing photos of the Air Fleet :smile2:

In the meantime, I dusted off some of the Luftwaffe's 109s:


Wow, that's amazing Larry, five Tigers. Congrats.

You might just outnumber Air Force Badolato :D
Welcome Aboard Cobber :smile2: Flying Tigers to deliver the Tsingtao ^&grin



Great, my master^&grin!!!!!!Beautiful aircraft!!! Another country, another language but the same idea:smile2::smile2::smile2:
Your R2D2
Great, my master^&grin!!!!!!Beautiful aircraft!!! Another country, another language but the same idea:smile2::smile2::smile2:
Your R2D2

Like the R2D2 Heineken ^&cool^&grin We may have to change the name of your squadron to the "Boilermakers" :tongue::smile2: Boilermaker - cocktail with beer and a shot of whiskey (Jack Daniels) {sm3}
Intelligence reports indicate that the Evil Empire is attempting to acquire new strategic bombers to defeat the forces of good. Judgement Day is upon us. My fellow Treefroggers, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw the Evil Empire forever - we begin bombing in five minutes.

Sorry, but you will miss us. We've moved from Mosquitoville to Margaritaville, you parrothead you:wink2:^&cool:cool:
Sorry, but you will miss us. We've moved from Mosquitoville to Margaritaville, you parrothead you:wink2:^&cool:cool:

Margaritas on the beach watching the sun set on the Evil Empire - you have seen the light :tongue:^&grin Just be careful of the Mosquitos :smile2: Parrothead Over and Out ^&grin
Lawrence that is one heck of a collection mate ,one can only dream of getting ^&cool^&cool
Best regards Scott

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