Glossies painted by Beating Retreat (3 Viewers)

beating retreat

Aug 12, 2008
Hi Guys

Just thought you would like to see some bits and pieces Ive done in the past and recently for collectors. I will add to this thread as I paint bits and pieces for myself and colletors not on the forum

Pic no 1 Royal Horse Guards maxim gun produced in the 1990s by Richard Newth Gibbs, not sure if its available anymore.

Pic no 2 FIW mortar team, gun is a Hinchliffe model the figures are Rose castings

Pic no 3 Cavalry in walking out dress with young lady Britains repaint

Pic no 4 Walking out dress cavalry by Fusilier and Asset

Pic no 5 Officer 5th Royal Irish Lancers from Tradition casting





Heres another couple of pics

no1 Officer 11th Hussars 1911 Delhi Durbar

no2 Mr & Mrs Charles Arbuthnott out for a ride on their new fangled motorbike


I assume that was a typo when you marked this thread with a thumbs down John. :rolleyes2:

And surprised I am the first to comment on these beauties honestly. You have such a pleasing style with your figures. Never seen one of yours I don't like.

I guess if I had to pick a favorite of this batch it would be the 3 fellas loitering together under the lamp post.

Glad to see more of your work on display here. :)

Splendid !!!
Very good to get to see more of your work, John.
That "thumbs down" mark ticked me off though in the instant I saw it :rolleyes2: ^&grin
But thumbs up or down or whatever, please keep them coming.
More excellent pieces, John, thanks for showing them! My favorite is the mortar crew, especially the jowly look of the captain. As always, I'm just astounded at the finish you achieve.

Superb glossy figures. The finish of the faces is excellent.

Thanks, Raymond:smile2:
As usual - just wonderful artistry. You set the benchmark for excellence as far as I'm concerned John, and also gives me something to strive for. Thanks for showing them - and do keep them coming for the future. Johnnybach
Hi Guys

Thanks for the great comments,

MD Yes that thumbs down was a typo, not sure how to change it though.

JB Thanks for the kind comments although I dont think of myself setting a benchmark and you are pretty nifty with a paint brush yourself I especially like what you did with the knights.{sm4}{sm4}

Regards John
Gorgeous work. Simply the best gloss artistry I have ever seen, bar none. -- Al
Great !!.....It is thumb(s) up now.

Thanks to the kind mod who took care of it.

Raymond. {bravo}}
Very well, Dave,
looks so much better now :wink2:
Hi again John - thanks for boosting my ego a bit with your kind comments - but I really do think that you are MY benchmark. I'm just an amateur who likes to have a go at painting - and do them the best that I can - for my own pleasure an amusement. I regard you as a pro - and am learning a lot from looking at your work - so please do keep posting - as your work does give me ideas - and a close look also helps me with learning new techniques. Many thanks - johnnybach
Hi John,

Amazing Work!!! I have to tell you that I find a good deal of inspiration from viewing your work. I have a large group of Gurkhas that I have been waiting on to finish for a really long time and I plan to get them going again in the near future. I do have a question of where I can order some arms in slope verses trail arms that my figures came with. They are Britain's castings so any suggestions on where to get a bunch of arms? I need about 25. I will have to chat with you on some other figures I am looking for would really like to build up my Crimean Display as well. Anyway thanks for sharing the great photos!

Hi John,

Amazing Work!!! I have to tell you that I find a good deal of inspiration from viewing your work. I have a large group of Gurkhas that I have been waiting on to finish for a really long time and I plan to get them going again in the near future. I do have a question of where I can order some arms in slope verses trail arms that my figures came with. They are Britain's castings so any suggestions on where to get a bunch of arms? I need about 25. I will have to chat with you on some other figures I am looking for would really like to build up my Crimean Display as well. Anyway thanks for sharing the great photos!


Obviously your choice but historicaly, Rifle regiment such as the Gurkhas don't carry their rifles at the slope, they carry at the trail arms.

Well I have to say that while I agree that they usually did this I need a more parade ground look which even Hirart has done with some Rifle Regiments so I want to do some of both to make the parade a bit more uniform.


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