Hi Raymond,
here is the way I describe John's "Superior Gloss" style.
The traditional glossy Toy Soldier is a figure painted in plain colors, i.e. Humbrol gloss paints, the most popular brand I know of.
John paints the figures in a more detailed way, a little shading, a little highlighting, maybe some washes, as can be seen in the pictures on this thread, especially in the close-up where you can see Lord Robert's face.
When the work is done, the figure receives a coat of a high gloss varnish, which will assure the permanent glossy finish of the miniature.
John offers various finishes, when one wants to commission a figure. The choices are between a traditional finished glossy Toy Soldier, a "Superior Gloss" Toy Soldier or a matte finished Toy Soldier.
Can't go wrong with either one I would say, as can be seen on various threads here, but as you know, my definite favorite is the "Superior Gloss".
Got my first figures in November 2008 and am hooked ever since ^&grin :wink2:
Here's a pic of the very first set I received.