Is there anything some will not do? (9 Viewers)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
This is not a political thread in any way at all, but I've got to ask the question. I have just seen a clip of a US Presidential hopeful (I did not catch either his name or party and its of no interest) signing the stomach of a small baby with a marker pen, I've got to ask, WHO would let ANYONE sign their baby's stomach with a marker pen??? Seriously chaps, this little bundle is the most important thing in your world and you hand he/she over to a stranger to sign with a pen like they were a football or a cheap t shirt. Would you guys do this????????????????^&confuse

Well Rob it takes all sorts of folks to make the world go round... Besides if there werent stupid people out there what would the press report on?

Well Rob it takes all sorts of folks to make the world go round... Besides if there werent stupid people out there what would the press report on?


Thats true Dave^&grin

.....I have just seen a clip of a US Presidential hopeful signing the stomach of a small baby with a marker pen.......
It must be a really, really slow day for news of even minor intrest in Britain.
This is not a political thread in any way at all, but I've got to ask the question. I have just seen a clip of a US Presidential hopeful (I did not catch either his name or party and its of no interest) signing the stomach of a small baby with a marker pen, I've got to ask, WHO would let ANYONE sign their baby's stomach with a marker pen??? Seriously chaps, this little bundle is the most important thing in your world and you hand he/she over to a stranger to sign with a pen like they were a football or a cheap t shirt. Would you guys do this????????????????^&confuse


That's where we are today, Rob. Decorum is just like morality now, everyone's idea is just as valid as the next guy's, a la "Who are you to judge me?" Jon Stewart has the President on his show and calls him "Dude". Of course, we've just had 2 Boomer Presidents, and though Obama is old enough to be a Boomer, he's more of a Gen-Xer. Eventually it'll be protocol to take a dump on the carpet at the White House.

Vonnegut predicted this. Google "The Big Space F---" for his short story that postulates a world were profanity has become so casual as to have lost all meaning. He also predicted the litigious society in that story, too.

Prost, dude.
Oh Brad....the kids these days. :wink2:

"..The White House was opened to all for a post-inaugural reception, and was filled by the public even before Jackson arrived on horseback. Soon afterward, Jackson left by a window or a side entrance, and proceeded to Gadsby's Hotel in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. The crowd continued to descend into a drunken mob, only dispersed when bowls of liquor and punch were placed on the front lawn of the White House. "I never saw such a mixture," said Joseph Story, then a justice on the Supreme Court: "The reign of King Mob seemed triumphant." The White House was left a mess, including several thousand dollars worth of broken china.

That night an official inaugural ball for administration officials and Washington's high society was held in Carusi's Assembly Rooms, and it set the stage for the scandal that would become known as the Eaton affair. Twelve hundred guests were in attendance, but President Jackson, fatigued and still mourning the loss of his wife Rachel Jackson that December, was not. Another ball was held in the Central Masonic Hall."

I'm still trying to find the story of the candidate that signed the baby.
Yeah, that's a well-known story, Scott, but I bet no one called Jackson the early 19th-century equivalent of "dude". For one thing, he'd have knocked the person's teeth out, at best.
It must be a really, really slow day for news of even minor intrest in Britain.

You'd think that yes, but today has seen storms in which people died and a conviction in one of our country's most notorious murder cases of almost twenty years ago which is everywhere, but still the clip of politician signing baby belly!

That's where we are today, Rob. Decorum is just like morality now, everyone's idea is just as valid as the next guy's, a la "Who are you to judge me?" Jon Stewart has the President on his show and calls him "Dude". Of course, we've just had 2 Boomer Presidents, and though Obama is old enough to be a Boomer, he's more of a Gen-Xer. Eventually it'll be protocol to take a dump on the carpet at the White House.

Vonnegut predicted this. Google "The Big Space F---" for his short story that postulates a world were profanity has become so casual as to have lost all meaning. He also predicted the litigious society in that story, too.

Prost, dude.

I do agree, as a kid when we swore (out of earshot of our parents of course) it was quite a deal somehow, now its the norm. One of our well known footballers appears to be unable to put a sentence together without using the F word at least four times, whether he's on the pitch, ordering lunch or returning a libary book by all accounts!

Yeah, that's a well-known story, Scott, but I bet no one called Jackson the early 19th-century equivalent of "dude". For one thing, he'd have knocked the person's teeth out, at best.

Yeah, nobody messed with Jackson. More like caned or shot him. I can think of a few more perceived breaches of decorum back in the 1800s and 1900s by Presidents and the like, but some are by Presidents that I admire. Woodrow Wilson even "dated" while he was President.

Now candidates are another thing.

......and a conviction in one of our country's most notorious murder cases of almost twenty years ago which is everywhere,
Yeah, right on the front page next to a photo blurb of Cameron Diaz in a bikini sporting a new hair style.

......but still the clip of politician signing baby belly!
It washes off.
Napoleon, while reviewing the Imperial Guard at the Tuilleries, chatted with enlisted men, took snuff, offered them snuff, and dropped his pants and took a piss{eek3}:eek: in front of everyone. Ladies and children were in attendance. So it's no "new thing"{sm4}.
Yeah, right on the front page next to a photo blurb of Cameron Diaz in a bikini sporting a new hair style.

It washes off.

As apparently does the parents respect and dignity for their own baby, oh well , takes all sorts I guesss.:rolleyes2:

As apparently does the parents respect and dignity for their own baby, oh well , takes all sorts I guesss.

Wow, "respect and dignity." If you want to take the moral high ground start with Britain.
Wow, "respect and dignity." If you want to take the moral high ground start with Britain.

Oh dear, what on earth was that? Calm down. I merely pointed out that anyone who hands their baby up to be signed like some sort of trophy has in my view a screw loose. But suddenly this appears to be going down a racial route, how on earth did you get there? Second thoughts, I'm not interested.

Oh dear, what on earth was that? Calm down. I merely pointed out that anyone who hands their baby up to be signed like some sort of trophy has in my view a screw loose.
You were interested enough (or maybe bored) to bring it up in the first place. I take
great care in staying out of the affairs of other countries on forums let alone initiate a
post. "Signed like some sort of trophy" is a bit much.
You were interested enough (or maybe bored) to bring it up in the first place. I take
great care in staying out of the affairs of other countries on forums let alone initiate a
post. "Signed like some sort of trophy" is a bit much.

Whatever you say.



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