Top five regrets of the dying (5 Viewers)

"A nurse has recorded the most common regrets of the dying, and among the top ones is 'I wish I hadn't worked so hard'. What would your biggest regret be if this was your last day of life?"

Being too conservative ie too middle class in ambitions and plans.
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Not grabbing the FIGARTI ' Reichsbahn ' and every thing that goes with it especially these (280mm K5 German Railway Gun and Karl Morser 54 cm)..................^&grin
I will miss my family and it's future; the color explosion and cool, crisp air of the autumn in the NE US; baseball; and collecting WW1 aircraft models from JJD.:wink2: -- Al
Interesting thread Scott and though somewhat morbid I think it should provoke a lot of discussion.

Well, I really feel like i have done everything I set out to do in life. If I were to not awake tomorrow, the only regret I might have would be not haven taken my wife to see some countries. The only other regret I may have is it will depend on how I go out- if, and God forbid it does, I go out in a fiery car crash, I hope I take it like a man rather than screaming in sheer terror. {sm4}{sm4}

I have often thought it would have been better for me to have stayed in the Army and make a career out of it. Though in the long run, not sure how much of a toll that would have taken on my wife and kids. I have seen the pains of the seperations of constant deployments from family that a lot of my buddies have had to endure and the results are pretty grim.

I believe the greatest legacy I can leave the world will be my three children. I spend time with them every day, talk to them, laugh with them, celebrate their successess and pick them up during the setbacks. There is no doubt in my mind that these three kids are gonna set the world on fire and leave it a better place than I ever could have.

Additionally, my wife is my greatest friend and inspiration. I tell her how much I love her and how much she means to me. I believe I have loved her and enjoyed a loving, mature relationship that 99% of most people hope to have.

No Scott, I have been Blessed, when the reaper calls, I will be ready and depart with a smile on my face.
This, but I intend to do it!

My wife thinks I'm nuts but I've always wanted to do it.
Nice! My friend who war games says you never die if you still have miniatures left to paint.

My mother went out with a joke. Most of the adults in the family were there at the end and she repeated the punchline from the old joke and said: "who's minding the store?"

Yep, the good Colonel was right..see below.
Not too many regrets luckily enough, if I could change one thing I certainly wouldn't have gone into work that day I did my back, but its all part of the tapestry of life I guess. One regret is not following my love of playing Cricket to where it may have taken me, I was a decent fast bowler way back when but my social life took off in a big way at the weekends and that was that. But all in all I've been very lucky, and when it comes to my wife, family and long friendships I'm blessed indeed.

You willing to waive liability and hold Palermo harmless when you get gored and trampeled ?

I think you just do it and hope for the best! It's the Hemingway in me, too much the Sun Also Rises ^&grin
I think I will have to change the wallpaper in the bedroom.

The reason is simply this - I hate it, and I am very aware of the last recorded words of Oscar Wilde, who died on 30 November 1900 in Paris.

"My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or other of us has to go". He then expired..........johnnybach^&grin:D
Interesting thread Scott and though somewhat morbid I think it should provoke a lot of discussion.

Well, I really feel like i have done everything I set out to do in life. If I were to not awake tomorrow, the only regret I might have would be not haven taken my wife to see some countries. The only other regret I may have is it will depend on how I go out- if, and God forbid it does, I go out in a fiery car crash, I hope I take it like a man rather than screaming in sheer terror. {sm4}{sm4}

I have often thought it would have been better for me to have stayed in the Army and make a career out of it. Though in the long run, not sure how much of a toll that would have taken on my wife and kids. I have seen the pains of the seperations of constant deployments from family that a lot of my buddies have had to endure and the results are pretty grim.

I believe the greatest legacy I can leave the world will be my three children. I spend time with them every day, talk to them, laugh with them, celebrate their successess and pick them up during the setbacks. There is no doubt in my mind that these three kids are gonna set the world on fire and leave it a better place than I ever could have.

Additionally, my wife is my greatest friend and inspiration. I tell her how much I love her and how much she means to me. I believe I have loved her and enjoyed a loving, mature relationship that 99% of most people hope to have.

No Scott, I have been Blessed, when the reaper calls, I will be ready and depart with a smile on my face.

Great post CC. Not much to add. I only regret given up my sport for almost 23 years. I've started again but I've lost 23 years {sm2}

I think I will have to change the wallpaper in the bedroom.

The reason is simply this - I hate it, and I am very aware of the last recorded words of Oscar Wilde, who died on 30 November 1900 in Paris.

"My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or other of us has to go". He then expired..........johnnybach^&grin:D

Got to like someone who quotes Oscar Wilde.

I should have added not seeing The Importance of Being Earnest as a regret!
I also liked the reported last words of Humphrey Bogart.

"I should have switched from Scotch to Martinis"

Gottal love someone with a sense of humour like that!:D jb
"Aaaargh!!" (Last words of General Custer) Trooper
Look at all of them thar whatchamacallit Injuns - wuz wot he really said Trooper. I heard that somewhere before???^&confuse:D
I want to go in my sleep like my grandfather and not screaming like the passengers on the bus he was driving^&grin !!!

I hopefully still have 30 years or so to go but as for now, I really want to see The Hobbit movies over the next two Christmasses (and to collect the toys!). There's also book 14 - the final one of the 'Wheel of Time' series that comes out in a few months (ironically, Robert Jordan the author didn't live long enough to finish it himself).
And talk about taking your life's work with you!

Domenique Bouhours - a famous French gramarrian, reportedly uttered these last few words:

" I am about to - or - I am going to - die. Either expression is correct." And so saying - he promptly turned up his toes!:D

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