Despicable pond life (6 Viewers)


Its not even political this discussion but, you can't put a thread like this on without someone wanting to know why it happened? Is it outrageous of course but, I would say we would not be having this discussion if the US could keep some of their troops in order. we have spoken about my family fighting in the desert and through italy. I have been to these cemeteries and many places along the battlefield and, have met many local people who care about what the graves stand for. We know that there has been many times when things have gone wrong in the region and this is one of the only times I can recall when this has been done on such a scale. We have to ask why?

There is baboons on both sides here yet again and, as you rightly say, the brave men who fought in WWII and their releatives are paying the price. I have condoned the action by those who smashed the cemetary but, I also think we should not overlook our part in this.

As I said at the start I did not want this to get political because it will get deleted, I just wanted to register my disgust is all. The ins and outs are not why I posted,although of course they are linked, just out of sheer humanity and in respect of the men of the 8th Army this is an outrage.Whatever the reason, sometimes nothing can excuse people behaving like Baboons.

I hear what your saying of course Mitch, I was purely posting out of rage and disgust.

I think you mean 'condemned ' not condoned Mitch?:wink2:



Its not even political this discussion but, you can't put a thread like this on without someone wanting to know why it happened? Is it outrageous of course but, I would say we would not be having this discussion if the US could keep some of their troops in order. we have spoken about my family fighting in the desert and through italy. I have been to these cemeteries and many places along the battlefield and, have met many local people who care about what the graves stand for. We know that there has been many times when things have gone wrong in the region and this is one of the only times I can recall when this has been done on such a scale. We have to ask why?

There is baboons on both sides here yet again and, as you rightly say, the brave men who fought in WWII and their releatives are paying the price. I have condoned the action by those who smashed the cemetary but, I also think we should not overlook our part in this.

I posted this it has happened in France on several occasions that I know that have been reported where allied graves have been vandalised. Rob points out that he is not interested in the ins and outs but, they are fundamental to why this has happened and, regardless of the emotion that runs from these acts they have struck back in a way they knew would upset western populations.

The fact this did not happen on many occasions in the recent times and beyond is testimony to the fact that they are usually respected sites. the situation arose from the koran incident did we really not expect some kind of retaliation? Because of that incident they exacted a revenge.

I am not one of these people who cares about religion in any shape or form but, drilled into our forces and, officials there is that it is to these people whether we see them as an enemy or whatever. I did not see Gadaffi's men go and do this when we were bombing them and, it probably would not have happened but for the incident which sparked riots and, deaths as well as this incident. Its all well all the politicians and military giving the outraged rhetoric but, it should never have been allowed to have happened and, the troops should be out on their ears. Its a PR nightmare.

I know we won't see eye to eye on this but, thats how I see it


I am not disagreeing with you. If you note I stated "these extremists" - not the entire Libyan or French population. I was not aware of the vandalism of the WWI and WWII cemetaries in France, but the actions of those individuals, like the actions of the individual extremists in Libya, are reprehensible.

As far as whether the actions of certain present day individuals (or government policies) from one of the Allied nations instigated these actions, I am an American who sees both the good and the bad in my country, but I do not see actions against Honored Dead from another generation as being a legitimate form of protest for modern acts or policies. If there is truth to the claims that Allied troops gratuitously burned the koran, then members of the Islamic faith have a legitimate beef with those individual soldiers, who should be dealt with by their superiors for prejudiced, stupid and inappropriate acts. If, on the other hand, there is truth to the proferred explanation - that Islamic prisoners were using their copies of the koran as a means of passing information to their compatriots not on custody - then confiscating the korans used as methods of illicit communication is in no way inappropriate. I have no idea whether the korans were gratuitously burned, confiscated for cause, or some combination of the two.

However, assuming the allegations of burning korans are true, this does not excuse extremists for vandalizing a 70 year old military cemetary. There is just no connection between the honored dead of 1942 and the actions of soldiers in 2012. I hope that the French and Libyan authorities pursue, prosecute and punish the individuals involved in descreting the military cemetaries. On the other hand, again, assuming that the allegations of gratuituous burning of the koran are true, I hope the military authorities pursue, prosecute and punish the individuals involved in this reprehensible act as well.
The late Christopher Hitchens was right.

I loved him as well.

You know, we've been there twice for them.

I don't understand this medieval way of thinking. It seems whenever we help depose a dictator, religious violence goes through the roof. This is what I fear will happen in Syria if Assad is pushed out.

It's no secret that I am pretty much anti-religion but this is just a name for "the other" in many regards. I am really fed up with this kind of violence after people over there beg us to help stop whats being done to them. "Why? To free you up to do it to somebody else?" I'd like to see that as one of the first things we ask when we're asked for help.

And with all the calls throughout our country to get rid of the Assad regime in Syria - this is what will follow. A civil war almost always ensues and more radical elements of these population use it as an excuse to kill and destroy what isn't perceived as like them.

You are correct. The brain thinks faster than the fingers type. Condemned is what I should have written
I don't know if you can count WW II as "for them" as opposed to securing North Africa and the Suez canal for "us."

Recently is another case.

Maybe there will be a wave of reason, skepticism, and free inquirey though-out the middle east and North Africa! ...and a pony!

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