What next for the Western Front ? (3 Viewers)


Lieutenant Colonel
Nov 5, 2006
Just wonder what item you like to see made for the Western front ?
French 75mm artillery; French cavalry; French colonial troops; German 210mm artillery; British cavalry and Battery L, RHA. Those will do for a start. -- Al
French 75mm artillery; French cavalry; French colonial troops; German 210mm artillery; British cavalry and Battery L, RHA. Those will do for a start. -- Al

How about Armies In Plastic making 1914 era French and British? They already have Germans, Scots, and Indians for "early war." If AIP would make the French in Kepis and in blue, they could sell me 10 boxes to start! Really close to 1870-71.
A complete British/Australian artillery team, horses, limber, gun (any cal) and crew etc, any vehicals trucks, wagons and more line infantry (British/Australian) and rear area troops, in general more of everything from all companies.


Brit 17ILB gun and crew. 25ILB gun and crew. bofors gun. MG frost, cain, horrocks and, more brit troops. brit commandoes with wool caps like the 70's airfix troops. any open backed lorry/truck with additional pilots to fill the rear. winter camo allied troops

88mm flak gun and crew, sturmtiger, long barral panzer IV, Nebelwerfers,

Plenty of work to fill some of the voids and things that have not been done.

Early war campaigns like norway which, could easily slot into FOB range. German mountain troops

Off the top of my head

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