Message from Her Majesty the Queen to all USA citizens (6 Viewers)

He's paraphrasing President Lincoln.

Googled it and now got it (along with some Ohio jokes). However Shane didn't include the bit about those armies being led by Bonaparte so there is a chance after all {sm4} Just have to dig him up.
Googled it and now got it (along with some Ohio jokes). However Shane didn't include the bit about those armies being led by Bonaparte so there is a chance after all {sm4} Just have to dig him up.

Oh, come on now. You know that the French cling to Boney like some of us Americans cling to our guns and religion. If you really want him you’d better be prepared to pry him from cold dead fingers.

And yes, I know I’m from Ohio because…

-I've never met any celebrities. (Unless you count re-enactors or toy soldier people)
-My idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway. (No, seriously)
-"Vacation" means driving through Hocking Hills or going to King's Island. (Season passes @ King’s Island)
-I measure distance in minutes. (Like for us its 15 minutes to the grocery store)
-Down south to me means Kentucky.
-I know several people who have hit a deer. (I actually own deer)
-My school classes were canceled because of cold. (Couldn't get the buses started)
-My school classes were canceled because of heat. (Not working that is)
-I've ridden the school bus for an hour each way.
-I've had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day. (We always say, If you don’t like the weather in Ohio wait five minutes)
-I think ethanol makes your truck "run a lot better." (And apparently it’s catching on with the rest of the country)
-I know what's knee-high by the Fourth of July. (Corn)
-I see people wear bib overalls at funerals. (With orange camouflaged hunting hats)
-I’ve seen a car running in the parking lot at the store with no one in it no matter what time of the year. (This happens all the time, no joke.)
-I end my sentences with an unnecessary preposition. Example: "Where's my coat at?" (Best of luck to HRH getting those English language improvements to catch on)
-All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, or grain. (This is also true, for us it’s the corn festival)
-I install security lights on my house and garage and leave both unlocked. (Wow, this is so true. Low crime rate though, must be the fact that everyone has dogs and guns. Oh, and we are a right to carry state by the way)
-I carry jumper cables in my car.
-I know what "cow tipping" or "Possum Kicking" is. (Great sports, way better than rugby or soccer, oops football)
-I design my kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit. (I don’t have kids yet, but I’ve worn a Halloween costume over a snow suit)
-Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.
-I think everyone from a bigger city has an accent.
-I think sexy lingerie is tube socks and a flannel nightie. (Maybe some thigh-high nylons in place of the tube socks, but yes to the flannel nightie)
-The local paper covers national and international headlines on one page but requires 6 pages for sports. (Especially Football, American Football that is)
-I think that deer season is a national holiday. (Take off work every year)
-I know which leaves make good toilet paper. (If there’s three leave it be baby)
-I find -20 degrees F "a little chilly".
-I know all 4 seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Construction.
-I know what a real buckeye is, and have a recipe for candy ones.
-I know if another Ohioian is from southern, middle or northern Ohio as soon as they open their mouth. (I’ve lived in all three so I can blend in, shhhhh….)
-I can spell words like Cuyahoga and Tuscarawas. (Google Cuyahoga, you wouldn’t want Boney to waste his troops fighting over that river, it’s the one that caught on fire a few years back)
-I know that Serpent Mound was not made by snakes. (Indians, Adena I think. It’s about 45 min. away from where I live)
-I actually get these jokes and forward them to all my Ohio friends. (And post them on the TF Forum because some Aussies think that Momma Liz would actually want this God forsaken place back in her possession)
-I just said "yup" and "uh-huh" or ain’t that the truth" to most of these!!! (Sad isn’t it)
Thanks for the Ohio list of jokes. Some suggest it might not be a bad place to live (ie. parking and leaving car
running and not locking doors is a good thing).

However the one I noted was a Leno joke. George W Bush when discussing bombing Iraq is told by his staff that
the money would be better spent in the USA. So he replies Ok lets bomb Ohio. (apologies to any Bush fans but it is quite funny). Obviously can insert any State so no idea why Ohio was picked by Leno for a Texan to say.

There are some rough places here also, an old joke. "A bomb fell on Ashington (pronounced Esh'n'tn) the other week. It caused £1.28 worth of damage and they're still looking for the crater!"
And believe me we don't speak the Queen's English up here. (just search google for the "Geordie" dialect.) I went to a barber in Ashington and said "I want my hair curled" so he put my head in the fridge.
I'm actually from Newcastle upon Tyne, which is pronounced "The Toon"! e.g. "Am gannin t' the Toon" "Haway the lads"

French for Geordies
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Thanks for the Ohio list of jokes. Some suggest it might not be a bad place to live (ie. parking and leaving car
running and not locking doors is a good thing).

However the one I noted was a Leno joke. George W Bush when discussing bombing Iraq is told by his staff that
the money would be better spent in the USA. So he replies Ok lets bomb Ohio. (apologies to any Bush fans but it is quite funny). Obviously can insert any State so no idea why Ohio was picked by Leno for a Texan to say.


The only problem would be if someone left the car in gear when they weren't in it. I've seen it happen once, wish I would've had a camera rolling so I could post it on youtube. I was a Bush fan while we were going through all that mess. Trying to be a good patriotic American n' all. But, now that we're getting more information about how stuff over there was handled I'm begining to do a little more critical evaluation. Plus we have a bit of an economic issue we're dealing with (not sure if our friends down under have noticed) that he and his pals may have had a wee bit to do with. I don't understand why Bush (or any President since 1960 for that matter) would want to bomb Ohio either? He carried the state twice and as 2012 proved once again, as goes the Buckeye state so goes the nation. God help us. :)
There are some rough places here also, an old joke. "A bomb fell on Ashington (pronounced Esh'n'tn) the other week. It caused £1.28 worth of damage and they're still looking for the crater!"
And believe me we don't speak the Queen's English up here. (just search google for the "Geordie" dialect.) I went to a barber in Ashington and said "I want my hair curled" so he put my head in the fridge.
I'm actually from Newcastle upon Tyne, which is pronounced "The Toon"! e.g. "Am gannin t' the Toon" "Haway the lads"

French for Geordies

Glad to hear we in Ohio aren't the only one's who have quirks about where we live. I don't think I'd want my head put into a fridge, no matter what dialect of English I was speaking.
The only problem would be if someone left the car in gear when they weren't in it. I've seen it happen once, wish I would've had a camera rolling so I could post it on youtube. I was a Bush fan while we were going through all that mess. Trying to be a good patriotic American n' all. But, now that we're getting more information about how stuff over there was handled I'm begining to do a little more critical evaluation. Plus we have a bit of an economic issue we're dealing with (not sure if our friends down under have noticed) that he and his pals may have had a wee bit to do with. I don't understand why Bush (or any President since 1960 for that matter) would want to bomb Ohio either? He carried the state twice and as 2012 proved once again, as goes the Buckeye state so goes the nation. God help us. :)

The original version of Her Majesty's message did mention the reasons why she had made her decision.
Something about finances and Presidents (none were named) but being the diplomat I am I edited it out and as I
said it was all in jest. Pretty much the same could be said about many countries at the moment.

Better not say much more about politics or presidents !!

The original version of Her Majesty's message did mention the reasons why she had made her decision.
Something about finances and Presidents (none were named) but being the diplomat I am I edited it out and as I
said it was all in jest. Pretty much the same could be said about many countries at the moment.

Better not say much more about politics or presidents !!


-Some military history topics can be controversial - be civil. The Treefrog Treasures Toy Soldier Forum is an excellent place to be educated on the military history behind the military miniatures you collect, but some historical discussions can be controversial. By all means participate, but don't undermine your cause with personal attacks.
-Historical discussion is fine, current politics are not. This is a toy soldier forum so keep to the topic and related topics. If you want to post your political opinions do so elsewhere on the political forum of your choice.
-If you take issue with someone else’s post please stop and make sure you are understanding their intent correctly and attempt to see their point of view before becoming offended and saying something you may later regret.
-Please try to keep it fun and friendly!

Technically the Bush years are over, so they are not current politics but instead fall under the history category. And I would say that this entire thread has maintained a certain civility about it ,even though not everyone understands it that way (shame on them). I would also suggest that it has been fun and friendly. I know I’ve had lots of fun and made some new cyber friends because of it. Therefore this thread, although flirting with many grey areas the entire time, is accomplishing what the entire forum was set up to do. This is to bring people from all over the world together to talk about their shared interests regarding toy soldiers and history. The creators and moderators should expect that occasionally topics will slide into the political sphere. But, that (I suppose) is why they have the rules in black n’ white for all of us to read.

By the letter of the regulations we have maintained our good poster station and have maybe bent the rules a teeny bit. But from your original post I gathered that…

“If you are an American with no sense of humour (note correct spelling) please do not read any further as you might
be offended (please note if the Mods find issues with it then I accept their decision). Hopefully somebody in the USA
has a similar type message that takes the mickey out of the rest of us.”


"We Aussies love to take jabs at anything British or American as sport. Notice that the Americans have completely bastardized the English language and not only show it off to the world, but try to make the rest of us adhere to it with their spell checker thing. See you dastardly Englishmen, at least we Aussies still “try” to speak English-English. What you are about to read would make any self-respecting American who has any knowledge of or takes any pride in their country’s history extremely angry. If anyone who makes it their business to play the role of anti-fun police feels that this thread is pushing beyond the acceptable limits we understand because we Aussies like to do really annoying semi-inappropriate things to get under everyone’s skin. If there is an American out there with the stones enough to take us up on our hell raising adventure we will be more than happy to give it a go."


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