FL website's images (3 Viewers)

First time looking at the Facebook site, (i dont have any facebook account).

Welll.... The photos do look alot better with a blue background than a white one.

At least thats a start.

Serge. :)
blue pictures are of masters painted by russians.
so whenever you order, please look at regular pictures on website in order to get a better idea of what you will receive
in the end, the only way is to look at them in the flesh

by the way. I was away from this website during the last 2 months because we were moving.
and it took me 3 full weeks to carefully pack my collection including cutting foam for each of my russian figures.. but we made it without breaking even one piece !


First time looking at the Facebook site, (i dont have any facebook account).

Welll.... The photos do look alot better with a blue background than a white one.

At least thats a start.

Serge. :)
The pictures on the website are not the best I have seen in fact they suck as I have been saying for years ( IMO its the colors in the printing of the pictures not the pictures themselves ) but to be honest I don't and have never used them to influence my purchases. I just hope the guy who took them is taking a little time to enjoy the sites of Italy since the show in Stresa is now history before heading back to China and busting his *** overseeing the production of the best factory produced figures the World has yet seen.

My advice to anyone not yet purchasing First Legion is go to their website look around at the figures, choose a line that you either collect or have a interest in. Then buy one figure, when it arrives place it next to the factory produced figures you currently collect. If it doesn't fit.... well that's a good thing. If your not happy with the realization that everything you own has just been blown off the shelf you then have a choice to make either continue living in denial and sell your First Legion figure or Give thanks that First Legion has came along and enjoy the new part of your collection just as you enjoy the other parts.

regards Gebhard
Are you saying, Gebhard, that that is the elusive Matt on the photos from Stresa? ^&grin
Are you saying, Gebhard, that that is the elusive Matt on the photos from Stresa? ^&grin

Good Morning Andreas,
I don't understand what your saying ^&confuse. I have not seen any photo's from Stresa, in fact I'm dying to see how they (FL) did in the competition. I just said "I just hope the guy who took them is taking a little time to enjoy the sites of Italy since the show in Stresa is now history before heading back to China and busting his ***" and of course I was referring to the photo's used on the FL website and the man who takes them. I really hope the FL team will take some time while in Stresa to enjoy that beautiful part of the World before rushing back to China and the daily grind. regards Gebhard
Sorry for the misunderstanding. Here are the photos from Stresa from the FB page:








Apparently, David finished the displays just in time .... ^&grin
Real quick one as internet is spotty here at best in Italy!

All catalog photos are of course real photos, not illustrations. Glad to know that folks consistently think that the real figures are better than the images. Alex, we NEVER use masters in photographs for our online catalog, only production figures.

And yes, here are the elusive brains behind First Legion at Stresa. A full show report will follow sometime after holiday. :)

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Here are the photos from Stresa from the FB page:








Apparently, David finished the displays just in time .... ^&grin

Thanks for sharing these photo's :salute:: looks like a nice display , I really like that Bridge .. regards Gebhard
. A full show report will follow sometime after holiday. :)

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Looking forward to that report :salute::, now I really don't like you guys.... not only are you geniuses, handsome dudes with my dream job but on Vacation in Beautiful Italy as well :mad:. Only kidding hope you guys enjoy it, GOD knows you both deserve it. Don't forget to fire that stock image photographer when you get back to China :wink2:. enjoy regards Gebhard
who is who from left to right??

On the left Constantine Sudin (who, inter alia, paints and sculpts and does research, runs the facebook page and is ever present on social media marketing FL), on the right I assume Matt Pavone. I don't know what he does. :)
agreed !

your partner has the best FL collection in the world ! every single figure produced painted in Russia... must be a wonderful sight

Real quick one as internet is spotty here at best in Italy!

All catalog photos are of course real photos, not illustrations. Glad to know that folks consistently think that the real figures are better than the images. Alex, we NEVER use masters in photographs for our online catalog, only production figures.

And yes, here are the elusive brains behind First Legion at Stresa. A full show report will follow sometime after holiday. :)

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Give you fellas a little suggestion, join the First Legion Facebook page, if nothing more then seeing/hearing from Constantine first hand, Matt leaves the Facebook page up to Constantine to run who does a great job.

as far as the show goes, sounds like it was a fantastic show and look forward to hearing from both Matt and Contantine on how First Legion competed and recieved at this years show...Sammy

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