Silence (2 Viewers)

Is this another Torrent acquisition or has it been released in Australia? Film has had a bit of a troubling way
to theaters. Sounds like the 1986's "The Mission"? Which was terrible.

"Martin Scorsese spent over 20 grueling years to get his adaptation of "Silence," Shûsaku Endô's 1966 novel, to the screen.
Scorsese brokered several distribution deals when he attended the 2013 Cannes Film Festival. In July 2014, Paramount Pictures acquired distribution rights for the United States and eyed a late 2015 release. Discussing the film in March 2016, Winkler revealed the film was in the editing process and that the film would release "at the end of the year," confirming a 2016 release date. In August 2016, Scorsese stated the film would be completed in October, and the 2016 release of the film depended on Paramount. The film is scheduled for a limited release on December 23, 2016, before expanding in January 2017.
Paramount Pictures released the first trailer for the film on November 22, 2016."
Has anybody seen this yet ? Been on in USA and only just opened in Oz.

Was planing to see it as a Scorcese fan. However saw a 2 minute preview on YouTube and it seemed to be a lot of angst about Catholic priests having a hard time in medieval Japan. The preview put me off so would be interested in opinions of those who might have seen it.
I haven't seen it yet but I heard it's pretty good. I bought the book from Shūsaku Endō and wants to read it before seeing the movie...
Has anybody seen this yet ? Been on in USA and only just opened in Oz.

Was planing to see it as a Scorcese fan. However saw a 2 minute preview on YouTube and it seemed to be a lot of angst about Catholic priests having a hard time in medieval Japan. The preview put me off so would be interested in opinions of those who might have seen it.

Mate wait for the Blu/ray or DVD it is long and heavy watching but OK IMHO,and Mr BL Reed "Torrents" what are you on about {eek3}^&confuse:wink2:
I mentioned I wanted to see this but within a couple of weeks it was gone from theaters, think my post got lost in the conversion. not usually a good sign.
Now on Netflix.

Without doubt high on my list of worst movies. If Scorcese set out to make you feel miserable for 2 hours then he acheived his objective. To think he worked for many years to get this to the screen. Perhaps others could see the story just did not produce a good film. Just one long story of priests and Japanese Christians suffering and different methods to kill them if they did not renounce their faith.

No action sequences. No humour.

Not sure what the studios were thinking when they funded this. It clearly had no chance of doing well at box office and only earned half it's production cost of $60m (not sure what they spent the money on). It did get some favourable critics reviews but no idea why.

All the way through I was wondering if it was going to get better. Towards the end just fast forwarded.

On a more positive note Scorcese and Leo De Caprio are doing a movie on Teddy Rooseveldt which I look forward to.
Now on Netflix.

Without doubt high on my list of worst movies. If Scorcese set out to make you feel miserable for 2 hours then he acheived his objective. To think he worked for many years to get this to the screen. Perhaps others could see the story just did not produce a good film. Just one long story of priests and Japanese Christians suffering and different methods to kill them if they did not renounce their faith.

No action sequences. No humour.

Not sure what the studios were thinking when they funded this. It clearly had no chance of doing well at box office and only earned half it's production cost of $60m (not sure what they spent the money on). It did get some favourable critics reviews but no idea why.

All the way through I was wondering if it was going to get better. Towards the end just fast forwarded.

On a more positive note Scorcese and Leo De Caprio are doing a movie on Teddy Rooseveldt which I look forward to.

I read the book and saw the movie and actually personally found both pretty good. I think Scorcese did a pretty good job rendering the book in terms of both the slow pace/complexity of the young priests journey/quest to understand what happened in Japan to their teacher/mentor, and more importantly to the Christianity missions setting foot and initially striving then surprisingly stopped radically after a promising start and support from the Japanese elite. That said I agree it's not an action movie :wink2: but more of a spiritual reflection about Christianity meeting a very closed and structured society/culture and why its expansion failed back then and since (it never recovered BTW). I think what help understand/decipher that movie is to understand the Japanese culture in the first place. I have been to Japan many times (50 times I think) since I had a team working for me over there and I did discover over time that even now despite that country being very advanced technologically that paradoxically it's still a very closed and traditional and controlled society: for example they don't have much immigration which is a problem since the population is aging fast and they don't produce enough kids, the group is more important that the individual, hierarchy is still very important, etc. This is why it is difficult to do business in Japan if you apply only your westerner lens to it...Another good movie on rendering this cultural shock aspect from a westerner point of view is Lost in Translation from Sofia Coppola...
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