7 Days in Entebbe (4 Viewers)

"7 Days in Entebbe" is the fourth film to dramatize the events of Operation Entebbe, after the American TV films "Victory at Entebbe" (1976) and "Raid on Entebbe" (1977), and the Israeli film "Operation Thunderbolt" (1977).

Still, better than another Churchill movie.
Yup! Really looking forward to that one



It appears to be well cast, plus I like the fact that it is being told again for another generation. Throw in modern special effects and I think it will be a winner.

I think we need a movie entitled:

"The Raid of ZB Lang Law Office"

to rescue him from the evil post man who is such a jerk to him and never smiles.

It would be a thriller!!!

John from Texas
Hahah!!! I raided it last week!
I’m a home office guy now! 😀
...Retelling the story for the Millennial crowd with predictable clichés: the IDF is ruthless, freedom fighters are not terrorists, and Idi Amin.

Seems to be rather apologetic on the side of the terrorists; a German kid who takes over an airplane to rip open the eyes of the world to the plight of the Palestinians only to find that the targeting of the Jews and Israelis on the flight will color him as a Nazi sympathizer.
...Retelling the story for the Millennial crowd..................................

The millennials are so busy tweeting, texting and being transfixed by their phones, they won't even notice this movie.

Almost ran one of them over the other day as she jaywalked across the street looking not at the traffic, but at her phone, must have gotten an important text at the time.....................
...Retelling the story for the Millennial crowd with predictable clichés: the IDF is ruthless, freedom fighters are not terrorists, and Idi Amin.

Seems to be rather apologetic on the side of the terrorists; a German kid who takes over an airplane to rip open the eyes of the world to the plight of the Palestinians only to find that the targeting of the Jews and Israelis on the flight will color him as a Nazi sympathizer.

The millennials are so busy tweeting, texting and being transfixed by their phones, they won't even notice this movie.

Almost ran one of them over the other day as she jaywalked across the street looking not at the traffic, but at her phone, must have gotten an important text at the time.....................

Easy there gents. Let's not paint the whole generation with the same brush. A number of those Millenials who are transfixed by "predictable clichés" and who are too "busy tweeting, texting and being transfixed by their phones" are the ones who wear your country's uniform and defend it.

Just a thought.

Easy there gents. Let's not paint the whole generation with the same brush. A number of those Millenials who are transfixed by "predictable clichés" and who are too "busy tweeting, texting and being transfixed by their phones" are the ones who wear your country's uniform and defend it.

Just a thought.


Have some egg nogg... I had to explain the raid to my Millenial troopers the other day. The clichés are again, the calculating ruthlessness of the IDF, Amin, and the idea that a nice middle class white kid with a beard that leaves home to be a "freedom fighter or humanitarian" gets tricked into becoming an accessory to murder, mayhem and terrorism.
yes...I remember this well...the IDF did not play around with the terrorist...Israel takes no caca from anyone...
Enough of the Churchill bashing, he is one of the greatest heroes of freedom who ever lived and as far as I am concerned they can make a new movie on him daily. No revisionist history bs on him, he was great period. I wish there were a hundred more like him for the next millennium.


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