The Army of Frederick the Great (14 Viewers)

I've got another 3 Stadden figures finished ....


Here we have a musketeer of the 27th Regt, an officer and a musketeer drummer of the 12th Regt.

I decided to choose the 12th Regt again, I previously painted the Grenadier drummer, because this is the only regiment I could find where the drummer had 6 buttoned lace lace on the lapels, which is moulded on to these castings.

Hope you like them?

Hi John,

Thanks for sharing your work, It's truly one of the highlights of the forum for me. I would love to see a few photo's of your troops massed and ready for action. You have such a deep collection, it would be incredible to see them in mass. best Gebhard
Hi John,

Thanks for sharing your work, It's truly one of the highlights of the forum for me. I would love to see a few photo's of your troops massed and ready for action. You have such a deep collection, it would be incredible to see them in mass. best Gebhard

Thanks for your comments, and I hope to take some pictures of my 7 YW shelves soon and post them for all to see :)

I would love to see a few photo's of your troops massed and ready for action. You have such a deep collection, it would be incredible to see them in mass. best Gebhard

Here they are all 6 shelves:

Mostly Prince August figures that I have cast and painted myself. On the left is one grenadier from each of the 55 infantry regiments in marching pose.

Left to right are Army House and some other makes, Stadden with Rose at the back, Beau Geste Saxon Band, Ulrich Puchala Infantry and Horse Artillery.

Left to right are Frederick the Great and generals, Potsdam Giant Grenadiers mostly Tradition, Hussars of all regiments, Leibgarde, Ulrich Puchala 27th Regt & tavern scene with dragoons, rear is 40th Fusilers by Hecker & Goros and Death of General Sherwin by Tradition

More to follow ....
Next shelf ...

Battle Leuthen by John Jenkins

Austrian Army with Hecker & Goros, Stadden, Tradition and some others
French Army with Tradition, Rose, Barso and others

British by John Jenkins which are mostly resin masters kindly supplied by John, Stadden, Rose and other makers.
Next to them are groups from the Marlborough era with British and French as well as Bavarian Infantry and a Hanoverian band and few 18c Russians.

Thats about 65% of a cabinet and I have painted over 90% of those figures!!!!
Hope you like them, and there is more to come ...... about another 8 Stadden Prussians to go before I find if there are any others up for sale :)

If I'm going to show off my Napoleonic Collection, that will be a new thread, as they currently fill 40 shelves, unlike this 6 for my 7 Years War Period !!!!

Hi John,

Thanks so much for taking the time to take these pictures and compose these posts. I know I don't speak only for myself when say I truly enjoyed viewing them. It really is incredible the amount love and time you have put into making and painting your collection and it shows. Just so much to take in, I'm going back to have another look. Since you mention it I would also love to see your Napoleonic creations as well. Two periods we both share a passion for. Alles gute Gebhard
Wow John, the words that come to mind are skill, patience, and fortitude! 40 shelves of Napoleonic figures! If the percentage of figures painted by you remains the same (90%), the effort can only be described as Homeric!:salute::
Today I have started on another couple of Prussian Grenadiers, this time in Action poses ....

One problem was that one of these figures was missing the end of his musket including his bayonet, so I have had to do a repair job on him first, and add a musket sling to the other as that was also missing.


I have used a spare musket of similar size as my missing part.

Next I cleaned the break by filing it flat, drilled into the barrel and then glued in some fine wire as a pin.
Then I 'surgically removed' the bayonet and boss, and drilled into that to match the musket.


The bayonet was glued onto the musket, and filler applied to the join.


Lastly I added the sling cut from metal foil to the other musket, then both have been given a cleanup and spay of matte white undercoat before commencing painting.


Keep a lookout for the next photos, when the figures will have been painted.

The 2 new guys have had their first lot of paint ....


more to come tomorrow,
Today I have completed these two grenadiers, and you will have noticed that they are from the 12th Regiment by the painted blag eagle on their mitre hats.


With the painting done you wouldn't know of the repairs to the musket so 'as good' as new now :)

I have also 'discovered' in my shelves, these two boxes of Prussians that I bought in Berlin in 2017, and forgotten about !!!


They are 45mm figures made by Peipp Miniaturen from Dresden but now unavailable. They were in a box of specials under a table at Berlin Zinnfiguren, and so a 'good price' I snapped them up, even though they are smaller than others in my collection.

In the first box there is an officer, grenadier, musketeer, fusilier and jaeger and sold a set of infantry, or more like a sample of their range of figures.

The second box is all fusiliers with a standard bearer, officer, NCO, drummer and fusilier, all at attention.
The flag is from the 46th regiment, so these fusiliers will have black lapels and cuffs with trousers and waistcoats of light straw colour.

I'm not sure when I'll get around to them, but I will post images as they proceed.

I have also 'discovered' in my shelves, these two boxes of Prussians that I bought in Berlin in 2017, and forgotten about !!!

View attachment 265393

They are 45mm figures made by Peipp Miniaturen from Dresden but now unavailable. They were in a box of specials under a table at Berlin Zinnfiguren, and so a 'good price' I snapped them up, even though they are smaller than others in my collection.

In the first box there is an officer, grenadier, musketeer, fusilier and jaeger and sold a set of infantry, or more like a sample of their range of figures.

The second box is all fusiliers with a standard bearer, officer, NCO, drummer and fusilier, all at attention.
The flag is from the 46th regiment, so these fusiliers will have black lapels and cuffs with trousers and waistcoats of light straw colour.

I'm not sure when I'll get around to them, but I will post images as they proceed.


Hi John,

I have some good news: Peipp Miniaturen are back in business. I was speaking with Frau Marianne Peipp, just 2 days ago and placed an order. She said they won't be able to fill it until late September, so I guess the collectors all know about it.


Hi John,

I have some good news: Peipp Miniaturen are back in business. I was speaking with Frau Marianne Peipp, just 2 days ago and placed an order. She said they won't be able to fill it until late September, so I guess the collectors all know about it.



Thanks for the good news on this front ....

They did make some nice sets in 54mm too, and I think I have a printed catalogue somewhere in my files, so I'll see if I can find that.
Their website is working, so I'll have a good look there .....

Maybe I'll paint my first set soon ??

I have completed another couple of Grenadiers from the Army of Frederick the Great ...


This time they are a pair of marching soldiers from the 1st Regiment.

Reason for painting them as this regiment is that the castings have a collar, lapels with 6 x lace, Brandenberg cuffs so there are only a small number of regiments to choose from. Hope you like them, John
Now those two are completed, on with the next batch a trio of musketeers ...


I'm planning on them being from the 18th Regiment, so white trousers, waistcoats, silver buttons, pink cuff, lapels and collar and turnbacks.

More to follow.....

I wonder how these compare in size to my Prussians?
Stadden's figures were sold as 54mm, but they were more robust, and were more like 56mm. If yours are the same size as Britain's Redcoats, then they could be mixed in a display, though the Stadden figures will look stockier.
Also. Stadden didn't differentiate much for different heights. So for example, the hussars are the same size as the cuirasssiers. The Seydlitz figure and the Ziethen figure are the same height. But Seydlitz was at least a head taller than Ziethen, 6' 3 or 4" versus about 5' 4".

Here they are completed ....


As far as a comparison with our figures Bruce, like Brad said, they could be larger 56mm, but you can only tell is they are placed together.

Maybe I will have to get some of yours and compare ????

Now for something different ... cavalry ..... a duel between a Prussian Cuirassier and an Austrian Dragoon.


The Dragoon from the St Ignon Regiment and his horse has been felled, the Prussian is from the 10th Gens d'armes Cuirassier Regiment and is swinging his sabre down while the dragoon is about to fire his last pistol shot. Who will win this duel ????

The figures were by Ulrich Puchala, code P 748 & 749 but these castings came via John Eden's EBay site.

Hope you like them,,

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