Battle of Bosworth Field...Continued (2 Viewers)

Fantastic dio and photos. The sharpness and clarity of your pictures makes my eyes happy. :smile2: Great job on the resin water. The way you placed all the plants in and around the water looks wonderful. I really like the little island in the center with the dead tree and various plants around it. That's some really fine work with great attention to detail. Thanks for sharing! Joe
I like how you used a variety grasses too. All of the textures and colors really adds to the realism. The rocks look good too, and remind of some I've made using rock molds.
Fantastic dio and photos. The sharpness and clarity of your pictures makes my eyes happy. :smile2: Great job on the resin water. The way you placed all the plants in and around the water looks wonderful. I really like the little island in the center with the dead tree and various plants around it. That's some really fine work with great attention to detail. Thanks for sharing! Joe

Thank you very much, Joe. I really appreciate that you noticed and commented on my attention to detail. This was my first attempt at using Woodland Scenics Deep Pour Water Murky and Static Grass. It was a fun learning process. I really like like the JJ Wars of the Roses series.
Rhys ap Thomas, fighting for his friend and ally, Henry Tudor.,

Wonderful Scene !

Love these figures, others have mentioned your photography is excellent !

Thank you for posting.

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