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  • Seems like you having a ball photographing your NAPPY'S under glass. Wish you used photo bucket for larger pictures the small ones do not do them justice.

    Thanks for the remarks on my Dad - he was a great patriot.

    As for Caesar - ALL HAIL CAESAR !
    I will say this about Nap- I think of all the people in the past half millenium who have the potential to be remembered in history like Caesar, he may be the last one. I think, in 2,000 years, he may be the only household name like Caesar is today. Sure, there are other commanders we all know of as history buffs but Nap will probably be the only one up there at Caesar's level.

    thank you for the friendship invite. Hope I can sway you from that Napoleonic nonsense!! :) Please be advised, as I publicly posted, all invites for Casesar's allegiance (and that allegiance is fleeting :)) must be accompanied by tribute. Your fedex package will work but future KC offerings will be required :))

    BTW- Very classy move to post your dad's pictures up- he must have been a great man and we are thankful for his service to our nation.
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